Rabu, 04 Januari 2012

Some Causes of Secondary Hypertension

Rejekine. Here are some of the diseases and disorders that can cause hypertension (high blood pressure) secondary:

1. Kidney Pain
Secondary hypertension associated with renal hypertension is called renal (renal hypertension). Kidney disorder that causes most high blood pressure is a narrowing of the renal artery, which is the main blood vessel supplying blood to the kidneys two organs. When the blood supply decreases, the kidneys will produce many substances that increase blood pressure.

2. Stress
Stress can trigger the sympathetic nervous system thus increasing the activity of the heart and blood vessel pressure.

3. Apnea
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a sleep disorder in which sufferers stop breathing many times (between 10-30 seconds) during sleep. Apnea is usually suffered by people who are overweight and followed by other symptoms such as unusual sleepiness during the day, snoring, morning headaches and edema (swelling) in the lower leg. Half of people with apnea suffer from hypertension, which may be triggered by hormonal changes due to disease and stress reactions it causes.

4. Hyper / Hypothyroidism

Hyperthyroidism or excess thyroid hormone is characterized by easy heat (feel hot), weight loss, palpitations and tremors. Thyroid hormone excess stimulates the activity of the heart, increase blood production, and increased vascular resistance leading to hypertension.

Hypothyroidism or thyroid hormone deficiency is characterized by fatigue, weight loss, hair loss and muscle weakness. The relationship between thyroid deficiency and hypertension has not been widely known, but suspected that the slowing of metabolism due to thyroid deficiency resulting in obstructed blood vessels and increases blood pressure.

5. Preeclampsia
Preeclampsia is hypertension due to pregnancy (gestational hypertension), which usually occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy. Preeclampsia is caused by increased blood volume during pregnancy and hormonal changes. Approximately 5-10% of first pregnancies are marked with preeclampsia.

6. Koarktasi aorta (aortic coarctation)
Koarktasi or narrowing of the aorta is a congenital disorder that causes high blood pressure.

7. Adrenal Gland Disorders
The adrenal glands regulate kidney function and blood pressure. If one or both adrenal glands have been affected, then it can lead to excessive production of hormones that increase blood pressure.

8. Parathyroid gland disorders
Four paratirod glands in the neck produces a hormone called parathormone. Excessive parathormone production will increase levels of calcium in the blood, leading to high blood pressure.

In addition to the eight diseases / disorders in the above, there are several others that could be the cause of secondary hypertension, among others:

Excessive alcohol consumption
The use of birth control pills
Side effects of certain cold medicines and appetite-reducing medication

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