Minggu, 15 Januari 2012

Early Signs of Throat Cancer

REJEKINE. Early Signs of Throat Cancer
It could not be cured, because of the stench attached to the idea, despite the cancer, the cancer can be treated at an early stage. Throat cancer, throat cancer, cancer of more than 25,000 Americans each year, there is usually a. Identify the root causes of cancer, smoking and excessive drinking. The growth rate of tumors in the larynx or pharynx, even some of the pollutants. Some of the people some of the pollutants in the presence of certain pollutants into the air, strong, sensitive, and the people who work in places, they are themselves the risk of throat cancer, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED.

Early Indications of Throat Cancer

There are few signs that came to the forefront of the early stages of throat cancer. These symptoms, if ignored, spelled disaster for the person concerned to take so seriously the earliest signs should be possible for doctors to go to the main.

Sore throat

People from around the world to confront common problems each year, a sore throat. Sore throats can easily be less than a week, and you do not worry, vasiyagi in such cases. However, response to treatment for throat and the pain persists a long time, pancreatic cancer can be named as an early sign. In general, people have been made to fade and annoying a person of a swelling more than a week and a half, it is recommended that the throat as soon as possible get in touch with your doctor feel a lump.


Some people usually suffer from sinus problems and it is difficult to distinguish between sinus sinus is usually the sign of cancer, but the person who often frequent headaches, neck pain, and congestion experienced and effective, it seems that all of the antibiotics, it is time to contact the person to a doctor.

Facial paralysis

Some people began to build a face to face with throat cancer experience paralysis or numbness. It may be an early symptom of a migraine attack, cancer, chronic neck pain, and it is named. Physical changes in the face of the neck and throat cancer patients experiencing only the identity of the people is clearly visible as the outer harbor.

Hoarseness and other symbols

Laryngeal cancer, a clear signal to the voice hoarseness. Early signs of suffering from throat cancer voice, can be characterized by a coarse breath and hoarseness. Loud noise comes from the voice of the tumor, resulting in picture. Sometimes, a clear manner and circumstances of the person concerned, once the panic button to press for real changes in the sound. Some other common symptoms of eyes, enlarged lymph glands, excessive swelling can include coughing and weight loss. Most cases of throat cancer, antibiotics and other drugs did not show a positive effect on the problem and the problem of prolonged stay of the person. The problem is to go to doctors if they do not recommend it for a week and a half more to go.

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