Senin, 16 Januari 2012

How To Prevent Malaria

REJEKINE. How To Prevent Malaria
Malaria is a disease that we have heard it and thought it was a thing of the past. But the truth remains in effect, malaria, as always, especially in subtropical Africa. Malaria is a disease that is easily spread by the female Anopheles mosquito called, he did so much damage in our world today. In some countries, malaria is the leading cause of death so much.

What are the causes of malaria?

This is a very active disease called malaria caused by mosquito bites, but basically not self-caused malaria mosquito, but the parasite uses the mosquito as host of the transmission from an infected person to another person. Here is how this math is done: when to bite one Anopheles (mosquito) of an infected person, parasites were added to a person who is not bitten by the infected person to transmit.

What are the symptoms of malaria?

Depending on your system, there are some people that their symptoms after a week, was bitten by mosquitoes, while some of this was about a month later. Here are the symptoms of malaria:






Nausea - Vomiting

With the above symptoms, you are advised malarial drugs reach to stop the attack, as this disease is as effective as in the past.

How can malaria be prevented?

Malaria can be prevented in several ways. To use economies of poor countries, which treats known as a good mosquito net with insecticide because it is very cost-effective means of prevention. Drugs are another way to prevent this disease, but drugs are not cheap and the researchers found that the drug quinine from the family a good bet for the treatment of malaria.

For the prevention of personal, individual counseling attempt a cure, if the symptoms that can be pursued and to avoid areas prone. Keep the environment clean and dispose of garbage in a timely manner.

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