Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

Types of diseases associated with heart

Rejekine. Heart disease is a disease that interferes with the vascular system, or more precisely attack the heart and veins. Some examples of heart disease such as coronary heart disease, heart attack, high blood pressure, stroke, chest pain and rheumatic heart disease. Coronary heart disease is heart disease sufferers the most. This disease attacks the blood vessels and can cause heart attacks. A heart attack caused by clogged arteries so that hamper the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the heart. Stroke is caused by lack of blood flow to the brain which sometimes causes bleeding in the brain.

However, not all heart disease is caused by a blood vessel. Here are some other disorders of the heart or the types of diseases related to heart, namely:

Abnormal Heart Rhythms

Normally the heart beats 60-100 times per minute (or about 100 thousand times per day). Abnormal heart bedetak usually called arryhytmia (often also called dysrhythmia). The heart that beats too slowly (under 60 beats per minute) is called bradyarrhythmias. While that is above 100 beats per minute is called the tachyarrhytmias.

Heart Failure

Or heart failure is the most frightening heart pemyakit. Not that the heart can not work at all, except that the heart is not beating properly.

Heart Valve Disease

Damage to heart valves. Heart valves found in each chamber of the heart (our heart has four chambers) which controls the direction of blood flow to the heart.

Congenitas Heart Disease

Or commonly referred to abnormalities in the heart. Attacking 8-10 children out of every 1000 births. The initial symptoms are usually detected at birth or in childhood. In America, about 500 thousand people have heart abnormalities in the growth and increasing prominence 20 thousand people every year.


Attack on the heart muscle itself. Those stricken with this disease are usually experiencing a cardiac enlargement or reduction, or abnormally and become even stiffer. It causes the heart to pump blood is not normal (become weaker). Without good handling, cardiomyopathies will lead to a worse disease like heart failure or cause abnormal heart beats.


Is inflammation of the lining surrounding the heart. The condition is rare and usually caused by infection. There are many factors that cause susceptibility to heart disease. The main factor is the lifestyle which caused as if we establish the disease in the body. But there are several factors that can not be changed, such as advancing age and heredity.

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