Senin, 19 Desember 2011

Healthy foods for people with diabetes mellitus

Rejekine. To support the therapeutic treatment of diabetes mellitus, diet becomes very determines the success rate of therapy of this disease, for those of you who are currently doing or how the treatment of diabetes mellitus diet, the following is the recommended diet to support the level of success that will be found, I hope this can help you

The first diet

In the morning: Chicken Porridge
10:00 AM: bean juice
Afternoon and evening: White rice, egg contents, yellow Pickles, Watermelon
at 16.00: Ice cheerful

Menu foods into two

Paagi: Fried Vermicelli
at 10.00: Carrot juice
Afternoon or evening: white rice, fried fish, tofu vegetable bacem lodeh
16:00 hours: Lettuce yogurt sauce

Menu foods into three

Morning: steak fish
at 10.00: Juice of tomatoes
Afternoon or evening: White rice, beef seasoning lime bean vegetable nodes
at 16.00: Fruit pudding

1. Rice / potatoes / oatmeal / bread: 3.5 exchange (1 exchange forrice = 100gr, 80gr = bread, and potatoes = 200gr)
2. Fish / meat / shrimp: 25 exchanger (125gr)
3. Tofu / Tempe / beans: 2 pieces / 2 servings (each 25 g)
4. 3 cups vegetables
5. Fruit: 4 pcs.

please try additional therapy for those of you who may currently conducting a program or diet therapy of diabetes mellitus. p

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