Senin, 19 Desember 2011

complications of diabetes mellitus

Diabetes Mellitus (DM) with characteristics of hyperglycemia (high blood sugar levels) can lead to various serious consequences or complications of acute complications (occurring suddenly) and chronic complications (which occur in chronic). things that you should be aware

Acute complications of diabetes mellitus are as follows:

1. Hypoglycemia is reduced blood sugar levels <60 mg / dl

2. Diabetic keto-acidosis (KAD) is DM with metabolic acidosis and hiperketogenesis

3. Koma lacto hypoxic acidosis that is loss of consciousness caused by hyperlactatemia.

4. Non Ketotik hyperosmolar coma, with no symptoms at 2 and 3 except that there is no hiperketogenesis and hyperlactatemia.

Chronic complications due to diabetes mellitus:

It usually occurs in people with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus in a period of approximately 5 years. Can be divided based on the blood vessels and neural Based taxable or organ. The division simply as follows:

1. Makroangiopati, the large blood vessels (blood vessels that can be seen microscopically) among other cardiovascular / coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular / stroke, and peripheral blood vessels / Peripheral Artery Disease.

2. Microangiopathic, the microscopic blood vessels such as diabetic retinopathy (retina of the eye) and diabetic nephropathy (the kidney).

3. Neuropathy, the peripheral nerve. Patients may complain of feeling in the feet / hands is reduced or thick in the legs or feet were burning / vibrate itself.

In addition to the above, chronic complications of DM can be divided based on the organs affected are:

1. Skin: furuncle, karbunkel, itching, shinspot (dermopati diabetic: black spot in the shin area of ​​skin), necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum (oval sores, chronic, white edge), cellulitis gangrene,

2. Head / brain: stroke, with all deficit neurologinya

3. Eyes: convex lens during hyperglycemia (myopia-reversible, irreversible katarax), glaucoma, vitreous hemorrhage corpus, DM retinopathy (non proliperative, makulopati, proliferative), N 2,3,6 (neuritis optics) & other nerve centralis

4. Nose: olfactory decline

5. Mouth: dry mouth, thick saliva = verostamia diabetic, Tongue (thick rugae, taste disturbance), gingival (edematus, scarlet, gingivitis, atrophy), periodontium (makroangiopati periodontitis), tooth (Dental caries)

6. Heart: Coronary Heart Disease, Silent infarction of 40% kr autonomic neuropathy, diabetic cardiomyopathy (heart disease diabetic)

7. Lung: easy contracted Tuberculosis (TB) with a variety of pulmonary complications.

8. Digestive Tract: Gastrointestinal (esophageal neuropathy, diabetic gastroparese (gastroparese diabeticum), gastroatropi, diabetic diarrhea)

9. Kidney and urinary tract: diabetic neuropathy, syndrome kiemmelstiel Wilson, pyelonephritis, necrotizing pappilitis, Diabetic Neurogenic Vesical Disfunction, urinary tract infection, erectile dysfunction / impotence, vulvitis.

10. Nerves: Peripheral: paresthesia, anesthesia, neuropathy gloves, stockings, neuropathy, kramp

11. Joints: poliarthritis

12. Diabetic foot (diabetic foot), is a combination makroangiopati, mikroangopati, neuropathy and infection of the feet.

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