Selasa, 27 Desember 2011


REJEKINE. Today coronary heart disease (CHD disease its popular name) is very popular in the community because many Papuan region, and if not treated properly will lead to heart attack risk sroke to death ....

One of the causes of CHD are high blood cholesterol (other causes include: hypertension, high blood sugar levels, heredity, smoking, drinking, drinking coffee, severe stress, uric acid, trygliserid etc) ..

To control for ideal cholesterol levels in their blood, one way is to abstain from certain foods such as dietary saturated fat, lamb, organ meats, seafood etc ... so that the total cholesterol level is not more than the normal limit is according to doctors is about 200 ...

Does a diet like this is the best? ...

According to my experience and research, such a theory is true, but it also really is not appropriate and can be misleading ... ..

Why is that? It turns out there is bad cholesterol, called LDL and there are so-called good HDL ...

normal total cholesterol level 200 was actually on the assumption that the generally high levels of HDL normal person ... it's about 40 (mean ratio of HDL: total = 1:5 limit safe ... still ...) ..

In reality many levels HDLnya only 30, means the ratio 30/200 or about 1: 6 more .... Means ugly and dangerous ... ..

Therefore if you check your cholesterol levels, should be complete with levels of HDL and LDLnya also, name of laboratory tests Cholesterol Complete ....

Health knowledge such as this many do not know, as a result of CHD is still developing in the community ...

So to be safe, we must try to make our HDL cholesterol levels remain high, must be above 50, so that if the total is 200, then the ratio is 50/200 or 1 / 4 ... it's a new safe ...

Armed with this knowledge, I always keep my HDL levels remained high, around 65 ...., So if I eat in a variety of meats high in fat and total cholesterol disuatu my party suddenly rose to 300, then the ratio was 65/300 means that only about less than 1 / 5 ... still safe ....

Now how to raise HDL in order to stay high? ...

The tips are as follows:

1. Avoid foods high in saturated berelemak like goat meat and offal (intestines, brain, etc.)

2. Expand to eat foods that contain omega 3 supplement high as its Nutrilite Salmon Omega 3, Fish Oil, Omega-3 Eggs air, freshwater fish and saltwater, Coconat Virgin Oil, Agar agar, fruits, vegetables, soy milk, tofu, tempeh ..

3. Exercise such as walking, jogging, gymnastics, tai chi, breathing exercises, funbike, swimming, tennis, under the morning sun between the hours of 6-8 (because it contains a lot of Far Infra Red Rays ... at least 3 times a week, more is better ... )

4. Positive Thinking

In this way, you will be guaranteed cholesterol are well controlled ... byproducts, blood sugar levels also would be ideal ... CHD do not want to get close to us ...

High HDL levels will increase our immunity against all types of diseases and will also greatly help the body's metabolic processes effectively and efficiently .

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