Selasa, 20 Desember 2011

Healthy Diet and Exercise Diabetes sufferers

Rejekine. Diabetes has been there since 1552 BC, a disease characterized by frequent urination in large quantities as well as a drastic weight loss, it's been known and called by the term Polyuria. The year 400 BC, an Indian writer Sushratha named "honey urine disease". The name diabetes mellitus (diabetes = flowed steadily, mellitus = sweet) finally given by Aretaeus about 200 years before Christ.

therapeutic treatment of this disease from the patient can actually easier to discipline yourself and do exercise regularly, follow the doctor's advice that is given, and not easily discouraged or desperate.

Someone said to suffer from diabetes when blood glucose levels above 120 mg / dl in fasting conditions, and above 200 mg / dl two hours after eating. Another sign is that more apparent when the urine contains sugar so positive urine often invite ants.

Diabetes arises because the hormone insulin is released by beta cells of Langerhans islands (the structures in charge of the pancreas that regulate blood sugar levels) no longer work normally. This will cause blood sugar levels rise drastically. If this situation continues and passes the threshold of the kidney, the sugars are excreted in the urine.

So far there are two groups of patients: those affected by diabetes since childhood or adolescence, and those affected when fully grown (mostly aged 50 years and over). Young people with diabetes since most require insulin injections, while starting in adulthood does not.

Since the discovery of the hormone insulin by Banting and Best of Canada in 1921, people with diabetes who require insulin can be overcome so that the infant mortality rate and miscarriage in pregnant women who suffer from diabetes decreases. In addition to the hormone insulin, Franke and Fuchs (1954) antidiabetic drugs tested and proven to help many sufferers.

Diabetes is a disease that can not be cured and can only be in control so that the above normal, but with good care, each patient can live a normal life.

Diet and exercise

In addition to controlling sugar levels regularly, have a diet and regular exercise is the key to success laanlaan diabetes. In terms of food for example, diabetics must pay attention to the dose of carbohydrates. For more than half the energy requirement is obtained from this substance. According to dr. Elvina Karyadi, M.Sc., a nutritionist from the SEAMEO-TROPMED UI, there are two classes of carbohydrate that is the type of complex and simple types. The first has more than one chemical bonding chain of glucose while others only one. In the body in complex carbohydrates such as bread or rice, must be parsed into a single chain before being absorbed into the bloodstream. Conversely, simple carbohydrates such as ice cream, jelly, jam, syrup, soft drinks, and candy, straight into the bloodstream so that blood sugar levels immediately skyrocketed.

Diet for diabetics is more advisable to consume fibrous carbohydrates such as beans, vegetables, fresh fruit such as papaya, kedondong, apples, tomatoes, barked, watermelon etc.. While the fruits are too sweet like brown, orange, pineapple, rambutan, durian, jackfruit, grapes, not advised.

according to medical experts, classify the diets of two parts, A and B. Diet B with a composition of 68% carbohydrate, 20% fat, and 12% protein, more suitable for people of Indonesia as compared with a diet consisting of 40-50% carbohydrate, 30-35% fat and 20-25% protein. Diet B in addition contain a fairly high carbohydrate, also rich in fiber and low in cholesterol. Based on research, a diet high in complex carbohydrates in divided doses, can improve the sensitivity of pancreatic beta cells.

Meanwhile, high in vegetable fiber type A (spinach, green beans, long beans, baby corn, squash, carrots, melon, young jackfruit) type B plus vegetables (cauliflower, fresh mushrooms, celery, sprouts, cucumbers, squash, green peppers , water gourd, eggplant, tomatoes, mustard greens) will be useful to suppress the rise in blood glucose levels and cholesterol.

Red and white onions (shallots efficacious 10 times) as well as excellent beans if added in a diabetic diet because taken together can lower blood lipid levels and blood glucose.

For patients who do not have a problem with weight certainly easier to count the number of daily calories. The trick, body weight multiplied by 30. For example, people with weight 50 kg, then the requirement is 1,500 calories a day (50 x 30). If the relevant running sports, exercise caloric needs on the day, plus about 300 calories.

Schedule is recommended diabetics eat more often with portions being. This means that the number of calories evenly throughout the day. The ultimate goal for the workload of the body is not too heavy and abdominal salivary gland production is not too abrupt.

In addition to the main meal schedule morning, noon, and night, also recommended servings of snacks in between times (the interval of about three hours).

What needs to be limited is a high-calorie foods such as rice, fatty meats, organ meats, egg yolks. Also high fat foods like ice cream, ham, sausage, cake, chocolate, beef jerky, fried food. Dark green vegetables and orange such as carrots, green beans, spinach, caisim can be consumed in much smaller lots, as well as fresh fruits. However, please note if the person is suffering from kidney disorders, consumption of green vegetables and high protein foods should be limited so as not to overload the kidneys work.

Calorie-restricted diet

Patients can follow the example of arrangement of the menu for 2100 calorie diet B (Simbardjo and Indrawati, B.Sc. from the Hospital Dr. nutritional science. Sutomo Surabaya) as shown in Table 1. B high-fiber diet that includes a general a diabetic diet, which does not suffer from complications, not to fast or are pregnant.

basic principles of a diabetic diet, calories in accordance with the provision of basic needs. For women, the basic requirement is (Ideal Body Weight x 25 calories) plus 20% for the activity. As for men, (Ideal Body Weight x 30 calories) plus 20% for the activity. To determine the ideal weight (BBI) could be taken benchmark: BBI = Height (cm) - 100 cm - 10%.

Example, a man plays the body 164 cm, weight 70 kg, then BBI = 64 kg - 10% = 58 kg. Basic caloric needs = 58 x 30 calories = 1740 calories. Activity calories plus 20% = 2088 calories. So, this man needs about 2,000 calories a day diet.

However, this formulation is not fully binding. If the patient is sick, the activity changed, or is far from ideal body weight, the caloric needs will change. When the excess weight, reduced number of calories from basic needs. Conversely, if the patient has less weight, the number of calories exaggeration of basic needs. Once reaching a normal weight, total calories adjusted back to the basic needs.

The next principle is to avoid eating sugar and foods containing sugar. Also avoid the consumption of refined carbohydrate carbohydrate that is the result of a flour mill with all its products. Plus it reduces the consumption of fat in daily diet (animal fats, coconut milk, margarine, etc..), Because the patient's body has excess blood fats.

That need to be reproduced precisely the consumption of fiber in the diet, especially water-soluble fiber such as pectin (in apples), nuts, and seeds (not fried).

If the patient is also susceptible to interference in the kidneys, which need to be considered is the amount of protein consumption. Generally, the formula used 0.8 g of protein per kilogram of body weight. If levels of cholesterol / high triglycerides, low-fat diet is recommended. When high blood pressure, reducing salt intake is recommended.

Dieting failures can be caused because patients are less disciplined in choosing food or not able to reduce the amount of food calories. Can also do not care about people with doctor's advice.

For ease of application, made the system unit 80 calories. Table 2 presents the foods that contain 80 calories per unit. For example, a patient who requires 1,600 calories per day, will get 20 units a day of food valued at 80 calories each unit. The number of 20 units divided into four units breakfast, snacks (pk. 10.00) two units, six units lunch, snacks (pk. 16.00) two units, and dinner six units.

Do not forget to exercise

In addition to attention to the daily diet, the patient should do physical exercise. In principle, sports for people with diabetes are no different from that for healthy people. Also among the new or old patients. Sport is mainly for the body to burn calories, so that blood glucose can be used for energy. Thus sugar levels may drop.

Diabetics who have long feared could have atherosclerosis (narrowing of blood vessels). However, with the exercise of cholesterol deposits in blood vessels will be reduced, so the risk of heart disease also declined.
best type of exercise for diabetics is selected which has a high aerobic value, such as brisk walking, running (jogging), aerobics, swimming, and cycling. Kinds of other sports, tennis, table tennis, football and even, no matter don'ts of origin with extra attention.

FID (frequency, intensity, and duration) of exercise for diabetics in principle no different from those applied to healthy people. Exercise frequency is 3-5 times a week. "Instead, choose the appropriate time in the sun can burn more calories. This is dangerous because it can cause hypoglycemia, blood sugar shortage, "said dr. Hario.

concern for patients who use insulin injections have to be careful. It should be noted that the peak time of insulin injected. "Do not let the peak of insulin works, people with exercise. It was a lot of blood sugar levels will drop. If plus exercise, can add down again, could get hypoglycemia, "he said.

Thus, the insulin that is used must be known work, a short-acting or long acting. Typically, based on the condition of the patient, the doctor determine the type of insulin given. Well, sports schedules tailored to the insulin it.

Intensity ranges from 60-75% DSM (maximum pulse rate, the calculation is 220 - age in years). Duration is approximately 60 minutes each time exercising at a training zone. For diabetics who was plump, duration can be added, eg 90 minutes. "With the addition of prolonged exercise, not only reduced blood sugar, body fat burned, too," said dr. Hario.

When the head of the drift

Weight training is also recommended for diabetics. "In addition to maintaining blood sugar levels, patients also maintain their muscle mass in order to keep his muscles strong, so it could remain like any other production," he said.

Special on a very severe, eg leg nerves already disturbed, was chosen light exercise and not too much and loud The impact. For example cycling. It also must be careful, especially when it happens to diabetic retinopathy (retinal disorders), because of the possibility of hemorrhage is very large. When the disease is more severe, for example with sugar levels above 400 are not allowed to move on, its handling is more left to the doctor in internal medicine. "The choice is somewhat difficult. We have to be interdisciplinary. So, who can exercise only those who actually still active, there are no limitations on musculuskeletal, no arthritis, and other limitations. "

While obese diabetics, type of exercise combined with exercise for obesity. "Typically, the length is not an hour, but two hours for example. That is, so that combustion more, his blood sugar dropped, and less body fat. If he really obey the rules, it does not matter, "he said.

In doing sports, there are several things to note. The patient's blood sugar levels during exercise should be in the range 100-300 mg / dl. "More than 300 mg / dl feared happened ketosis (excess ketones in the network), for example. Patients with glucose levels are too low are also prohibited from engaging in exercise. Meanwhile, if the sugar content was normal and then do the exercise, hypoglycemia happens even feared. "To be safe, he said, patients should exercise with someone else. If there's anything anyone can help.

People with diabetes should also armed with little food or drink sweet things. Allow sweet rolls, candy, sweet tea. "If the head has begun to drift, just eat lunch or drink it in moderation. Also when cold sweat started out. Floating head and a cold sweat that showed excess blood sugar has gone down, "said Hario.

In diabetics, if most of the sugar can lead to hyperglycemia and this can make the poisoning. But this effect is long. Rapid effect and can cause death even hypoglycemia.

Those who choose the type of sport that takes a long time, like tennis or football field, preferably every 30 minutes to consume glucose (food or sugary drinks). That way their blood sugar levels can be maintained so as not too down. Noteworthy also is the weather during exercise. In very hot weather, lots of insulin absorption. Means more blood sugar is absorbed again.

Maintain cleanliness and foot health is also essential in sports. When jogging or walking, the foot will rub against the shoe. Therefore, worn socks must be clean. Shoes also have a soft inside to avoid blisters. Wear shoes appropriate use.

With diligent exercise plus diet regulate and control the blood sugar levels regularly, complications due to diabetes can be avoided.

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