Jumat, 09 Desember 2011

characteristics of people affected by high cholesterol

REJEKINE. Did you That Actually cholesterol is in need by the body, but the actual intake of cholesterol is derived from the body Itself According to the study 80% of cholesterol produced by the body and the rest of the food intake.
However, due to bad lifestyle and unhealthy eating patterns, making the content of cholesterol in the body becomes excessive and increasing the risk of a more dangerous disease such as stroke. In the normal size in the body content of cholesterol between 160-200 mg, but increase d to 240 mg when it is already a dangerous level and risk of stroke, so it needs to do the treatment and prevention of more intensive cholesterol.
people with high cholesterol is actually quite easy to identify because the sufferer has a special characteristic, and rejekine will share tips on how to recognize the characteristics of people affected by high cholesterol so it can be your guide in the prevention and treatment of cholesterol with a precise and fast.

The characteristics of patients with high cholesterol are as follows:

  1. Patients will feel sore in the back of the head down to the shoulder.
  2. Easy sleepy eyes.
  3. Swelling in the legs.
  4. The body is easy to feel tired or fatigued.
If these signs occur in cholesterol you eat immediately check or cholesterol test done in the laboratory to determine if you suffer from cholesterol or not, as a guide if your cholesterol content between 160-200 mg then it is still normal but when you reach the numbers above 240 mg, then you should be careful and quickly lower your cholesterol levels to normal threshold of course by way of an effective cholesterol treatment.

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