Selasa, 27 Desember 2011


rejekine. Coronary heart disease is a type that occurs due to narrowing / blockage in the coronary artery walls due to fatty deposits and cholesterol suplaian causing blood to the heart becomes impaired. Changes in lifestyle, diet, and stress can also lead to the occurrence of coronary heart disease.

What Causes Coronary Heart Disease?

The cause of coronary heart disease is due to excessive buildup of fatty substances in the lining of artery walls of coronary arteries, which are influenced by an unhealthy diet. Addicted to smoking, hypertension, high cholesterol can also be a cause of coronary heart disease.

Symptoms of Coronary Heart Disease

Symptoms of coronary heart disease such as:

Pain in the chest, more specifically in the chest pain that spreads to the middle to the left arm or neck, even to the back. This chest pain is pain typical of coronary heart disease. This pain arises only when doing physical activity and will decrease when resting.
Accompanying symptoms such as sweating and the onset of nausea.
Coronary Heart Disease & Cardiovascular Genetics

Medically heart disease are grouped into two types: coronary heart disease and genetic heart disease. Coronary heart disease occurs when the narrowing of blood vessels to the heart. While genetic factors (congenital) were found since the age of the baby.

Heart disease, stroke, and peripheral arterial disease is a deadly disease. Around the world, the number of patients with this disease continues to grow. These three categories of disease is not free from an unhealthy lifestyle is mostly done along with the changing pattern of life.

These factors trigger a heart attack are among others:

Consuming foods high in cholesterol.
Less motion.
Lazy to exercise.
Lack of rest.
Heart attack is a condition when the damage suffered by the heart muscle (myocardium) is reduced due to sudden blood supply to part of the body.

Treatment and Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease

the traditional recipes :

1-3 Noni / pace / noni mature in the wash and cut into pieces, then blended with enough water and boil. Add honey to taste, then drink.
2-3 Noni / pace / ripe noni washed and cut into pieces + 10 grains angco, deseeded. All material is blended with enough water, add 10 grams of powdered leaves of tuber god (Thien chi). Stir well, then drink.
2 Noni / pace / noni ripe, washed and cut into pieces + 30 grams of the leaves boiled with 600 cc of the god of water until the remaining 300 cc. Strain, add honey to taste. Stir well and drink.
Choose a recipe and do regularly. The recipes were to help the healing process. Keep consulting your doctor.

This article is taken from the Book of Health Prof. Works. H. M. Hembing Wijayakusuma (Series of Traditional Medicine, Title: Healing with Noni)

Just info, now there pace Juice / Noni Juice is ready for consumption by brands such as noni juice Javanony.

Preventing is always better than cure ...

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