Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

an easy way to know the cause of diabetes mellitus

REJEKINE.diabetes is usually found in densely populated areas like cities. some people think diabetes is a hereditary disease but it is not entirely true because of the number of people with diabetes is very little recorded because it is caused by heredity, the biggest risk factors of this disease is due to diet and bad lifestyle or unhealthy.
diabetes disease generally caused by the consumption of foods that are not well controlled or as a side effect of the use of certain chemical drugs.

here are some factors that could cause a person to be at risk for diabetes mellitus attack:
  1. Heredity
  2. Overweight / obesity usually occurs at age 40 years
  3. High blood pressure
  4. Figures Triglycerid (a type of fat molecule) High
  5. High cholesterol levels
  6. Modern lifestyle that tends to consume the instant food
  7. Smoking and Stress
  8. Too much consumption of carbohydrates
  9. Damage to the pancreas cells

The characteristics & symptoms of diabetes diabetes

Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism causes the body lacks energy, which is why people with diabetes mellitus generally look weak, weak and unfit.

general symptoms that arise for people with diabetes are:

  • Many of urine (polyuria), especially at night
  • Easy Haus and lots of drinking (polydipsia)
  • Easy hungry and a lot of eating (polyphagia)
  • Easily exhausted and often sleepy
  • Blurred vision
  • Dizziness and nausea
  • Impaired motor coordination of the limbs
  • Weight loss continues
  • Frequent tingling and itching on the hands and feet

terms of the above is an effect of high blood sugar levels that will affect the kidneys produce urine in excessive amounts to dilute the glucose, so people often urinate in significant amounts (polyuria) and polyuria result of this the patient felt the thirst Excessive drinking so much (polidipsi). A large number of calories lost into the urine, patients experience weight loss. as a result of this sufferers often feel hungry, so many incredible meals (polifagi).
if you run into the causes of diabetes such as the above treatment therapies done immediately, or it will be much better to prevent disease before diabetes mellitus

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