Rabu, 28 Desember 2011

Recognizing Symptoms of Coronary Heart Disease Cause of Death

Rejekine. Symptoms of coronary heart disease (CHD) needs to be recognized early on, so that people can prevent CHD attack that resulted in sudden death.

Symptoms of coronary heart disease vary, but that often arises is the left chest pain (angina) and the pain was coming from inside.

"Chest pain that is felt patients also vary such as tingling, burning, crushed by heavy objects, slashed, hot. Chest pain is felt in the left chest with propagation to the left arm, pain in the gut, right chest, penetrating chest pain to the back, even to the jaw and neck, "

In addition to symptoms of chest pain, there are also signs such as heart palpitations (rapid pulse), cold sweat, shortness of breath, anxiety and restlessness.

Symptoms of coronary heart disease is a disease caused by coronary insufficiency between supply and demand cardiomyocytes due process of atherosclerosis that clogs the coronary blood flow. The cause of heart attacks and sudden death begins with endothelial damage which is the main risk factors for smoking, diabetes (diabetes mellitus), high blood pressure, high cholesterol (dyslipidemia), offspring.

CHD treatment is to increase supply (of drugs nitrates, calcium antagonists) and reducing demand (giving beta blockers), giving blood thinners to prevent blood pemebekuan such as aspirin and an important controlling major risk such as blood sugar levels for people with diabetes, the optimization of the pressure blood, cholesterol control and smoking cessation.

"If the treatment can not reduce the complaints of chest pain, then it should be taken to open narrowed coronary arteries by percutaneous intervention or coronary bypass surgery action (CABG). Percutaneous intervention ie intervention measures included the use of a fine catheter into a blood vessel to be followed balonisasi mounting ring (stent) intracoronary, "

diet (eating plan) play a role in the prevention of coronary heart disease symptoms, in particular reducing the risk of CHD that is hypercholesterolemia (excess koleterol), hypertension (high blood pressure) and diabetes mellitus.

"Diet is divided into 3 A number of the number of calories as kebutuahn, schedule the time to eat properly scheduled and type, namely the composition of carbohydrates, protein and fat balance, specific nutrients are met," he said.

The number of calories according to the needs of ideal weight (height-100) multiplied by 1 kg or 90 percent of ideal weight (height-100) multiplied by 1 kg, as well as the ideal waist size for women less than 80 cm and men less than 90 cm. Calories per day needs 1300-1500 calories body fat, being skinny 2300-2500 1700-2100 calories and calories

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