Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

The process of Liver Damage

Rejekine. Normal liver is smooth and springy to the touch. When the liver infected with a disease (eg Hepatitis C), the liver becomes swollen. Liver cells begin to release the enzyme alanine aminotransferase into the blood. With this condition your doctor can tell if your liver is damaged or not. When the enzyme concentration was higher than normal, it is a sign the liver is damaged. When liver disease develops, changes and increased liver damage.

Once swollen, the liver tries to improve by forming bekasluk or a small scar. Grate is called "fibrosis", which makes the liver more difficult to function. When the damage goes, the more scar formed and began to coalesce, in a later stage is called "cirrhosis".

Damage to the recurrent, large areas of damaged liver can become permanent and become scabs. Blood can not flow properly in the damaged liver tissue. Heart began to shrink and become hard. Chronic hepatitis C can cause cirrhosis usually the same as consuming excess alcohol.

Liver function is damaged.
As cirrhosis worsens, the liver can not filter wastes, toxins, and drugs in the blood. The liver can no longer be producing "clotting factor" to stop the bleeding. Body fluids are formed on the abdomen and legs, bleeding in the gut is common, and usually slows mental function. At this point, liver transplantation is the only option.

Liver cancer.
Sometimes liver cell damage followed by changes in cell gene which can become cancerous. Chronic hepatitis C patients have a higher risk to suffer from "hepatocellular carcinoma", a type of liver tumors.

Prevention of Liver Damage

Cirrhosis can be stopped and can sometimes be prevented. For patients with chronic hepatitis C, is essential to prevent further damage to the liver where sirosi worse. Additionally, if your hepatitis C patients avoid alcohol completely. Also do not drink alcohol with acetaminophen (the drug content of headaches and flu), because when taken together can cause a state of "fulminant hepatitis", which can cause liver damage total.

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