Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

10 important HORMONES IN HUMAN BODY and function

Rejekine. do you know? The human body consists of various hormones which have their respective functions. All the hormones must be in balance and work portion of the normal order not to cause adverse effects to the body.
As quoted from eHow, NLM, medicinenet, and netdoctor, Monday (19/4/2010), of which there are hundreds of hormones following 10 kinds of important hormones in the human body, namely:

1. Melatonin hormone
This hormone is produced in the pineal gland and functions as an antioxidant and control sleep. Although this hormone is produced naturally by the body, but the excess or deficiency of hormones can be bad for the body.
Excess hormone melatonin can cause lethargy, liver disorders, eye disorders, fatigue, disorientation, psychotic thoughts and behavior, confusion, drowsiness, impaired speech, trembling, headache and dizziness.
While the hormone melatonin deficiency or deficiencies will cause trouble sleeping or insomnia, not sleeping well, prostate enlargement, depression, fatigue, irregular menstrual cycles, anxiety, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), cataracts, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances ( arrhythmias).

2. hormone Serotonin
The hormone serotonin is produced in the digestive tract. This hormone controls the mood or mood, appetite and sleep.
Excess serotonin can cause anxiety, confusion, increased heart rate, dilated pupils, loss of muscle coordination, sweating, diarrhea, headache, chills, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, high fever, irregular heartbeat, uncontrolled movements and loss of consciousness.
Serotonin deficiency can cause anxiety, depression, phobias, pessimistic, anxious, lack confidence, irritability, sleep disorders, PMS, headaches and backaches.

3. Thyroid hormone
Thyroid hormones are produced in the thyroid gland. This hormone serves to increase the basal metabolic rate and affects protein synthesis.
Excess thyroid hormone can cause diarrhea, irregular heartbeat, headache, chills, nervousness, stomach cramps, fever, chest pain, or difficulty sleeping.
While thyroid hormone deficiency can cause fatigue, lethargy, constipation, painful joints and muscles, ramput or thin and brittle nails, lack of sex drive, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, slow heartbeat, impaired concentration and memory. Even a few can cause depression and other mental disorders.

4. Adrenal hormones
Of adrenal hormones produced in the adrenal medulla. This hormone serves to increase the supply of oxygen and glucose to the brain and muscles (by increasing heart rate), increasing catalysis of glycogen in the liver, damage to lipids in fat cells, and suppresses the immune system.
Lack of adrenal hormones may cause dizziness, headache, fatigue, weight loss. Several intestinal disorders, increased pigmentation of the skin, depression, muscle pain and acute pain.

5. hormone Dopamine
This hormone is produced in the kidney and hypothalamus. This hormone serves to increase the heart rate and blood pressure, inhibiting the release of prolactin and TRH from anterior pituitary.
Excess dopamine can cause nausea, vomiting, headache, irregular heartbeat, chest pain, difficulty breathing, changes in amount of urine, skin discoloration, pain in legs and arms.
Dopamine hormone deficiency can cause depression, low motivation, difficulty paying attention and concentrating, slow thinking, low libido and impotence, tiredness, rapid weight increase, and having trouble sleeping.

6. Gastrin hormone
This hormone is produced in the duodenum (intestine 12 fingers), the which serves for gastric acid secretion by parietal cells.
Excess gastrin can cause disease
gastrinoma is a benign tumor.

7. hormone growth hormone (HGH)
This hormone is produced in the anterior pituitary, and serves to stimulate the growth and reproduction of cells, releasing the insulin-like growth factor 1 from the heart.
Excess growth hormone can cause pituitary tumors are benign and grow slowly. Also can cause headaches, visual disturbances, optic nerve pressure, excess bone jaw, fingers and toes, muscle weakness, insulin resistance. It can even cause type 2 diabetes and reduced sexual function.
This hormone deficiency in children can cause growth failure and short body and delayed sexual maturity. Whereas in adult growth hormone deficiency is rare, but in some cases can lead to obesity, decreased muscle mass and energy reduction and quality of life.

8. Insulin hormone
This hormone is produced in the pancreas and serves to glucose uptake, glycogenesis and glycolysis in liver and muscle of blood.
Excess insulin can cause blood sugar levels are very low, irregular heartbeat, sweating, trembling, nausea, severe hunger and anxiety. Sometimes also cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).
Insulin deficiency can lead to hyperglycemia (elevated blood sugar) which can lead to diabetes mellitus.

9. Testosterone hormone
This hormone is produced in the testes and serves as the male sex hormone. This hormone stimulates the maturation of male sex organs, scrotum, beard growth, the growth of muscle mass and strength, and increase bone density.
Excess hormones can cause excessive increase in libido and irritability. Lack of testosterone can cause disease or damage to the hypothalamus (pituitary) or testicles that inhibits hormone secretion and production of testosterone (hypogonadism).
Testoreton deficiency can also create wrinkles on the face, loss of muscle tone, waist menggendut, chronic fatigue, decreased libido, erectile dysfunction and difficulty reaching orgasm can occur in men as women.

10. Progesterone hormone
This hormone is produced in the ovaries, adrenal glands and the placenta (during pregnancy). The hormone progesterone serves to raise the epidermal growth factor, increases core temperature during ovulation, reduces spasm and relaxes smooth muscle (extending the respiratory tract and regulate mucus), anti-inflammatory, reduces gall bladder activity, normalization of blood and clotting of blood vessels.
The hormone progesterone also helps thyroid function and bone growth by osteoblasts Relsilience in bones, teeth, gums, joints, tendons, ligaments and skin. Healing by regulating collagen nerve function and healing by regulating myelin, and to prevent endometrial cancer by regulating the effects of estrogen.
Lack of progesterone can create anxiety, insomnia, difficulty resting, panic, anxiety, lack of fluids and swollen breasts. o

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