Rabu, 28 Desember 2011

Four Typical Symptoms of Heart Disease

Rejekine. Heart and blood vessel disease has long been known as the number one cause of death in the world. Even the 17 million people worldwide die each year from the disease.

Worryingly, heart disease can cause sudden death. This needs to be aware because heart disease can affect anyone indiscriminately.

"Often experiencing tightness in the chest, sometimes considered just plain common colds, scraped and then ask for a massage. Do not underestimate the event of shortness of breath, because this condition is one of the typical symptoms of heart disease.

some typical symptoms of heart disease that you should beware. If some of you experienced these symptoms, see a doctor immediately. Because, if you do not get immediate medical assistance, your life could be at stake.

"After the experience the following symptoms, within five minutes you have to be alert, and immediately ask for help. Because, if within 6 hours of not getting the proper medication can lead to death.

To that end, in order to be aware of heart attack, you need to know the typical symptoms that can appear suddenly:

1. Sudden pain in the chest behind the breastbone or as chest tightness.

2. Chest pain can be repeated a few minutes (20 minutes or more).

3. The pain can be a pressure in the chest, and neck as if choking, causing cold sweat

4. Suddenly passed out, but could come back unconscious. This occurs because there is disturbance of heart rhythm

Besides the typical symptoms of the above, there are some hidden symptoms of heart disease, namely:

Feel like stomach ulcers, but had not previously been suffering from this stomach disorder. Symptom is usually heartburn suddenly appeared on arising on early morning until 10 o'clock in the morning. This occurs because of increased sympathetic nerve in the morning.

"If you feel these symptoms, try to lay down and take aspirin as a temporary dampening drugs. Furthermore, immediately contact your doctor to get help immediately

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