Selasa, 20 Desember 2011

ketoacidosis with diabetes mellitus

Rejekine. understanding Ketoacidosis is one of the acute complications of diabetes mellitus that occurs due to the blood glucose levels rise very high or extreme.

The situation is serious and dangerous situation that can be life-threatening. Conditions ketoacidosis can occur anytime, especially in patients with diabetes mellitus type 1, so you have to be alert and cautious.

In contrast to type 1 diabetes mellitus, in Diabetes Mellitus Type 2, ketoacidosis occurs in certain circumstances. This is because usually people with type 2 diabetes mellitus is more frequent non ketotik hyperosmolar coma.

cause of ketoacidosis usually starts from no discipline in the diet of diabetics who have been determined by a physician.

In addition, ketoacidosis often triggered by lack of diabetesein to check levels of blood glucose and urine sugar levels regularly.

Symptoms or traits that first arose just as the symptoms of untreated diabetes mellitus. Namely, dry mouth, thirst, urination intensity so more frequently (polyuria). Other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain may also occur.

These symptoms can then be such as difficulty breathing, a sense of dehydration, drowsiness and coma are most severe.

The cause of the problem ketoacidosis associated with insulin levels in the blood are low. Circumstances insulin levels in the blood which causes low blood glucose levels on a high.

The hormone insulin is required in the process of absorption of nutrients so that sugar can enter the cells to be distributed throughout the body to be used as an energy source. The hormones insulin helps store fat reserves in fat cells from the digestion of food.

When hormones levels in the blood insulin level is low, then the sugar can not enter into cells to be processed into energy sources. If so, the body will compensate by using fat as an alternative energy source.

However, due to the use of fat can not be completely burned, it will produce a substance called ketone bodies. Ketone bodies will accumulate in the blood and be excreted from the body through urine.

The presence of ketone bodies in the urine is called ketonuria. High blood glucose levels will cause increased levels in the urine. Increased urine glucose levels will cause increased urine volume in the body so that fluid will be reduced.

When the condition of the body experiences dehydration, it will cause symptoms such as thirst and dry mouth which is a typical sign of high blood glucose levels.

Dehydration and formation of ketone bodies to make the blood becomes more acidic. The situation becomes more acidic blood is called ketoacidosis.

In severe cases where dehydration is very severe and insulin levels in the blood is very low, patients with diabetes mellitus can be in a coma. Where a person in a coma is a state of emergency that requires patients to be immediately taken to the hospital to be given appropriate help.

The occurrence of ketoacidosis coma on more gradually than the occurrence of hypoglycaemic coma. State of ketoacidosis require immediate medical attention, so patients should be quickly taken to the hospital.

Treatment should be given the hormone insulin injections and replace lost body fluids and blood levels of potassium ions in the helped reduced due to the increased frequency of urination (polyuria).

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