Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011

Disease-free bladder with 9 easy steps.

REJEKINE. Because less able to maintain the cleanliness of equipment genetikal bladder diseases often affect anyone, both women and men, traits that can be seen is frequent urination, beser, sometimes accompanied bleeding when urinating, from the need to take medication would be better off doing prevention bladder disease.
There are nine easy steps that you can apply in daily life to avoid the disease bladder infection once again better to prevent than to cure this disease.
Here's how you can do to prevent the emergence of bladder disease.
1. Do not delay urinating
If that was to take a piss, then do not delay too long, because the delay will only lead to the risk of urinary tract infection urine.

2. Drinking enough water
Enough water consumption (between 8 to 10 glasses per day) is the best way to prevent urinary tract infections due to sufficient drinking, urination process to be smooth.

3. urinating after sex
This is done to avoid contracting germs and keep clean vital equipment

4. Create a clean toilet
Especially for those of you who use a toilet seat, use a cleanser labih good germs for your bathroom.

5. Clean or flush the toilet water before you use
This is done as a form of prevention, there may be germs are still there, it's good after using the toilet, you flush again with water.

6. Clean the penis after urinating
For the women may be more able to maintain, but to the men somewhat less concerned, from now clean your penis after urinating, because it could be urine that is still attached would be a nest of germs.

7. Use cotton underwear
This will make the circulation of air to be smooth, because the air is humid and the sweat is a medium for bacteria to multiply quickly.

8. Clean the anus after defecation
I think you've done, clean water with plenty of water, so that dirt can be clean.

9. Change the bandage every 2 to 3 hours
This is specifically for women, the goal is to not get germs.
Hopefully in this way you and I are free from urinary tract infections.

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