Selasa, 20 Desember 2011

Causes of dehydration and its treatment

Rejekine. dehydration problems can be prevented. And how to prevent it is easier than cure.

TERMS dehydration is not foreign anymore. Dehydration, which means the lack of body fluids due to the amount of fluid that comes out more than the amount of fluid that comes in, it can affect anyone, from children to parents. It's just that dehydration is often considered a trivial problem.

In fact, it's actually quite dangerous dehydration. Dehydration is divided into three types based on weight loss, dehydration is mild (if the decrease in body fluids 5 percent of body weight), dehydration is (if the reduction of body fluids between 5-10 percent of body weight), and severe dehydration (if the decrease in body fluids more than 10 percent of body weight). Besides disturbing the balance of the body, at a level that has been very severe, dehydration can also lead to loss of consciousness, coma, until death.

According to Dr. Tanya TM Rotikan SpKO, when seen from the comparison of the total water content in the body, is actually the most vulnerable to dehydration is a small child and parents. You see, a child's body contains a lot of fat, and fat it contains only approximately 20 percent water.

Meanwhile, the body of an elderly person, the water content in the body is diminished due to the aging process of organs. But, judging from the comparison of gender, then women are more susceptible to dehydration as compared with men. The cause is the same as in young children, women's bodies more body fat than men.

However, if seen from a comparison of activity, remajalah most susceptible to dehydration. Because, in their teens are generally more happy-happy we did various activities, physical activity was to be increased drastically. For example just play basketball every hour break, chasing after the bus when going to and from school, traveling or out bound so the school holidays arrive, doing extreme sports or games with friends in my spare time, and others. These activities and also draining the body fluids. While doing various activities that the skin must have a lot of sweat. The lungs were a lot of steaming through breathing.
Signs of dehydration

Because deemed trivial, sign of dehydration is often unconscious. Symptoms of mild dehydration if we got like thirst, dry mouth and dry lips, often regarded as something perfectly natural. When it entered a new higher level again (dehydration medium), and other signs such as skin tone to be declining (if skin pinched, the skin will be old alias back into shape is not chewy), and decreased body weight, we become more aware.

If dehydration is already to a level that is more severe, the signs that appear to be even more. Namely the eyes become sunken, the skin becomes pale, the tips of the fingers become cold because blood flow to the capillaries are to be reduced, the color of the skin on the fingertips also sometimes be bluish because of oxygen carried by blood flow is reduced, and the pulse pulse jumped from fast to super slow. While psychologically the patient also be apathetic and consciousness is slowly declining.

In addition to differences in the signs of dehydration, there is a generally accepted signs of dehydration (dehydration always appear at any level), namely the reduction of the frequency and volume of urine and urine discoloration. People affected by dehydration in addition so rare and small amounts of urine, urine color also become more concentrated.

For the problem of discoloration of urine, the higher the level of dehydration, water color art will be more concentrated. Cause, if dehydrated body will automatically withhold all fluids, including fluids such as urine should be discarded. The longer the old urine is retained, then the amount of impurities contained in it will be more and more, until the resulting color becomes cloudy.

Remember, though has been divided by the specific signs of dehydration based on its level, but in fact when we are dehydrated, these signs often appear in about the same time. No need to wonder, because dehydration is a gradation.

So if now we have been exposed to mild dehydration, and not quickly addressed, then in a few moments we experience dehydration will immediately rise to the level of moderate to severe levels.
Prevention of dehydration

In order not affected by dehydration, the primary means of prevention, according to doctors are frequently asked to drink, at least fifteen minutes. And the water you drink should be plain water, not tea, coffee, or soft drinks. Therefore, these drinks contain caffeine which is deuresis or increase the frequency of urination. If the urine continues to do a lot more body fluids are lost.

It also should not drink beverages that are too sweet. Because if we drink is too sweet would stimulate the release of the hormone insulin which increases blood sugar levels. If this happens, then the effect we will only grow limp. After all, if you drink a sweet tooth, we can not drink a lot because the stomach will feel full. So despite having a drink, the amount of body fluid that comes out still could not replaceable.

Another way of prevention, if you want to move out of the room, we must also consider clothing worn. Should wear clothing that absorbs sweat like clothes made of cotton. You see, clothes that absorb sweat greatly helps reduce the evaporation of body fluids.

"If you include people who like to exercise, so that useful exercise should be done three to five times a week, for twenty minutes to sixty minutes. This criterion is especially true for teenagers, "explained professor majoring in Sports Medicine, Faculty of medicine is.

"Because, if less than three times to be less beneficial for the heart and lungs, but more than five times is also not good. It's called over-training. And once this danger. If over-training decreased appetite, can not get to sleep, and body ache, "continued the doctor asked.

What if already exposed to dehydration?
"If dehydration is still in light level, many-many drinks. Particularly health drink that can replace the body ions. But when it can not drink anymore, so what may make, must be infused! "He said.

That is, if we know our activity is high, it prevents dehydration better than all of a sudden we are weak due to lack of fluids. Bring a drink of water is also recommended as preparation.

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