Selasa, 20 Desember 2011

diabetes mellitus diet plan

A. Calorie needs.

Appropriate caloric needs to achieve and maintain ideal weight composition
energy is 60-70% from carbohydrates, 10-15% from protein and 20-25% from fat.
There are several ways to determine the amount of calories needed people with
of diabetes. Among them is by calculating calorie needs based on basal
magnitude of 25-30 calories / kg ideal, plus and minus depending on several factors
namely gender, age, aktifikasi, pregnancy / lactation, presence of complications and weight.
Another way is as table 1. While a more easy way again is to
rough grip, ie for thin patients 2300 - 2500 calories, normally 1700 - 2100 calories and
fat 1300 - 1500 calories.
Table 1. Calorie Needs People With Diabetes
Calories / kg ideal
Working adults are relaxed weight
Fat 25 30 35
Normal 30 35 40
Skinny 35 40 40-50
Weight Calculation Idaman.
Brocca with the modified formula is as follows:
Ideal body weight = 90% x (TB in cm - 100) x 1 kg.
For men with a height below 160 cm and women under 150 cm, or for those
older than 40 years, the formula is modified to be.
Ideal body weight = (TB in cm - 100) x 1 kg.
Meanwhile, according to Body Mass Index (BMI) or Body Mass Index (BMI) ie weight
weight (kg) SO 2 as follows:
Ideal weight: BMI 21 for women
BMI 22.5 for men.

The factors that determine your caloric needs.
1. Sex.
Caloric needs in women less than men, for it can be worn number 25
cal / kg for women and the figure of 30 cal / kg for men.
2. Age.
In infants and children's caloric needs are much higher than those
adult, in the first year can reach 112 kg / kg.
Age 1 year requires about 1000 calories and then the children
more than a year get an extra 100 calories for each year.
Decrease in caloric needs over 40 years should be reduced 5% for each decade
between 40 and 59 years, while between 60 and 69 years minus 10%, above 70
year minus 20%.
3. Physical Activity or Work.
Different types of activities require different calories. Type of activity
grouped as follows:
Resting state: basal caloric requirement plus 10%.
Lightweight: office workers, clerks, teachers, lawyers, housewives, and
others need to be added 20% of basal needs.
Medium: employees in insdustri lightweight, students, military is not war,
requirement was increased to 30% of basal.
Weight: farmers, in a state of military exercises, dancers, athletes, plus the 40% requirement.
Very heavy: handyman beca, digger, blacksmith, needs to be added
50% of basal.
4. Pregnancy / Lactation.
At the beginning of pregnancy required an additional 150 calories / day and in the second and third trimester
350 calories / day. At the time of lactation is needed as much as 550 extra calories / day.
5. The presence of complications. Infection,
Trauma or surgery that causes the rise in temperature require additional calories
by 13% for each increase of 1 degree Celsius.
6. Body Weight.
When overweight / too thin, minus / plus about 20-30% depending on

B. Sugar.
Sugar and other products of the sugar is reduced, except in certain circumstances, for example
patients with low-protein diet and who received the liquid diet, sugar should be given to
caloric sufficiency, in limited quantities. The applicability of a little sugar in the seasoning
allowed to enable the patient can eat family meals. The applicability
sugar to drinks can be given appropriate help when needed.

C. Standard Diet Diabetes Mellitus.
To plan a day diet, patients were given instructions how material requirements
food at each meal of the day in the form of exchanger (P). See attachment (one) 1.
Based on the patient's diet and food exchange lists, can disuusn
daily food menu.

D. List of Food exchanger.
Exchanger grocery list is a list of food ingredients with
certain size and are grouped based on the content of calories, protein, fat and hydrates
charcoal. Each food group is considered to have nutritional value or less the same.
Grouped into seven food groups namely:
Group 1: food sources of carbohydrates.
Group 2: food sources of animal protein.
Group 3: food sources of vegetable protein.
Group 4: vegetables.
Group 5: fruits.
Group 6: Milk.
group 7: Oil
Group 8: food without the calories.

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