Sabtu, 22 Desember 2012

Is your kitchen already has Cinnamon?

What is cinnamon quill? Other word is cinnamon stick. The history of cinnamon as spices commodity in the world was start in the west during 14th -15th centuries and its’ primary use was to preserve meat and to retard the growth of bacteria. Cinnamon sticks are rolled up versions of cinnamon bark.

Is it the same between ground cinnamon and cinnamon quill? Ground cinnamon is simply the powdered inner bark of the cinnamon tree. Just powder the cinnamon bark and you will end up with the same thing.

What the different between cinnamon and cassia? Some of people said if cassiais the cinnamon tree which cultivated primarily in China and Indonesia then where has a reddish-brown coloring while the taste is pungently sweet. Then cinnamon is only for cinnamon tree harvested from Sri Lanka and India and has more of a tan coloring and a milder taste.

In the USA where cassia is the more preferred with its more intense flavor and coloring. Cinnamon is harvested by scraping out the inside pulp of this evergreen and the resulting quill pieces or cinnamon sticks are then separated for grading and drying based on their size, color and quality.




What benefit use of cinnamon quill? Actually many benefit use of cinnamon especially for human health benefits, most of people has know also the use of cinnamon both for baking and cooking. Have you been familiar with the cake recipes of double chocolate pudding? Cinnamon stick has used on this cake recipes with other ingredients such as vanilla bean, sweet chocolate, sugar and egg yolks. 


In China, cassia has been used as traditional medicine since thousands of years. You can use cinnamon stick as your home remedies also such as for coughsand the common cold, the simple healthy recipe of cinnamon is just add a cinnamon stickto boiling water, let boil for 2 minutes then remove the cinnamon stick, you can use this cinnamon stick  water with any herbal tea such as green tea. The health secret of cinnamon, cinnamon has known also to be an effective as natural remedy for eliminating headachesand migraine relief. Further information, cinnamon has extremely high anti-oxidant activitity and cinnamon oil has strong anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. According to some research, cinnamon stick is contains also a great source of manganese, fiber, iron, and calcium. So, is your kitchen already has cinnamon stick?  

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