Senin, 25 Juni 2012

Betty Fox mother of cancer hero has died.

Betty Fox, cancer-advocacy champion and mother of Terry Fox dies . Ms. Fox, who was in her early 70s, Betty Fox had been suffering from complications from diabetes and arthritis. She is survived by her husband, Rolly, two sons, a daughter, and several grandchildren
Ms. Fox was an ordinary woman WHO rose to a profound challenge when her middle son Terry was diagnosed with osteogenic sarcoma in March, 1977, and had his right leg amputated above the knee. He was 18. He was barely out of treatment - 16 months of chemotherapy and rehabilitation - his goal when he Revealed of running across the country on his one good leg and a prosthesis to raise money for cancer research. Initially she was against the plan, but when she saw CAME around the intensity of his commitment.
Endorsing his dream Meant suppressing her maternal instincts to keep him safe at home under her protective eye. In Retrospect, That she believed her son's life had a higher purpose, that contracting cancer was a pre-ordained affliction so That Could he inspire others to support his cause: cancer research. "I strongly believe That we all have a guardian angel, and for me Certainly it is Terry," she of toll a journalist in 2000.
Back in the 1970s, cancer was shrouded in fear and ignorance. Many could not even say the word, referring to the disease as the Big C - as though even to Pronounce it aloud Might incur bad luck. Terry Died That knowing he had raised more than $ 24-million for cancer research, one dollar for every person living in Canada at the time.
In the 30 years since, Betty Fox ferociously protected her son's memory, Fought off the Commercialization of his name and championed the Marathon of Hope to keep his legacy alive and to Pursue his goal of finding a cure for cancer. Along with hockey legend Bobby Orr, singer Anne Murray, race-car driver Jacques Villeneuve, figure skater Barbara Ann Scott, Senator Romeo Dallaire, astronaut Julie Payette and actor Donald Sutherland, she donned a white suit to Represent her son's place in the hearts of Canadians and helped carry in the Canadian flag at the Opening Ceremonies of the Vancouver Olympics in February, 2010. Two weeks later, she and her husband Walked across BC Place Stadium in Vancouver carrying the Paralympic Torch to Ignite the flame That Officially opened Those games.
"Carrying the flame in Meant so much to both of us Because we were carrying it for Terry, not for us or our family, but for our son," she said. "I have to say that i know Terry's watching and he would be so proud of all these athlete for the Paralympics."
Stubborn, blunt of speech, hot tempered when riled, Ms. Fox was "very bright, very direct and shrewd and she passed these qualities along to her son," says Toronto lawyer Herb Solway, a former adviser to the Fox family. Her compass was always set on her personal true north: What Terry would have wanted?
Over the years, and with help and support from Issy Sharp of the Four Seasons hotel chain, she's kept the run pure: non-competitive, open to all, no product endorsements and managed by a family-centered, grassroots organization That eschews fancy offices and Big Salaries.

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