Sabtu, 28 April 2012

Beyond Ötzi: European Evolutionary History and its Relevance to Diet. Part I

In the previous post, I explained that Otzi descended in large part from early adopters of agriculture in the Middle East or nearby. What I'll explain in further posts is that Otzi was not a genetic anomaly: he was part of a wave of agricultural migrants that washed over Europe thousands of years ago, spreading their genes throughout. Not only that, Otzi represents a halfway point in the evolutionary process that transformed Paleolithic humans into modern humans.

Did Agriculture in Europe Spread by Cultural Transmission or by Population Replacement?

There's a long-standing debate in the anthropology community over how agriculture spread throughout Europe. One camp proposes that agriculture spread by a cultural route, and that European hunter-gatherers simply settled down and began planting grains. The other camp suggests that European hunter-gatherers were replaced (totally or partially) by waves of agriculturalist immigrants from the Middle East that were culturally and genetically better adapted to the agricultural diet and lifestyle. These are two extreme positions, and I think almost everyone would agree at this point that the truth lies somewhere in between: modern Europeans are a mix of genetic lineages, some of which originate from the earliest Middle Eastern agriculturalists who expanded into Europe, and some of which originate from indigenous hunter-gatherer groups including a small contribution from neanderthals. We know that modern-day Europeans are not simply Paleolithic mammoth eaters who reluctantly settled down and began farming.

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Selasa, 24 April 2012

Lessons From Ötzi, the Tyrolean Ice Man. Part III

There are two reasons why I chose this time to write about Otzi. The first is that I've been looking for a good excuse to revisit human evolutionary history, particularly that of Europeans, and what it does and doesn't tell us about the "optimal" human diet. The second is that Otzi's full genome was sequenced and described in a recent issue of Nature Communications (1). A "genome" is the full complement of genes an organism carries. So what that means is that researchers have sequenced almost all of his genes.

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Selasa, 17 April 2012

Lessons From Ötzi, the Tyrolean Ice Man. Part II

Otzi's Diet

Otzi's digestive tract contains the remains of three meals. They were composed of cooked grains (wheat bread and wheat grains), meat, roots, fruit and seeds (1, 2). The meat came from three different animals-- chamois, red deer and ibex. The "wheat" was actually not what we would think of as modern wheat, but an ancestral variety called einkorn.

Isotope analysis indicates that Otzi's habitual diet was primarily centered around plant foods, likely heavily dependent on grains but also incorporating a variety of other plants (3). He died in the spring with a belly full of einkorn wheat. Since wheat is harvested in the fall, this suggests that his culture stored grain and was dependent on it for most if not all of the year. However, he also clearly ate meat and used leather made from his prey. Researchers are still debating the quantity of meat in his diet, but it was probably secondary to grains and other plant foods. It isn't known whether or not he consumed dairy.

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Senin, 16 April 2012

Exercise and Food Intake

The New York Times just published an article reviewing some of the recent research on exercise, food intake and food reward, titled "Does Exercise Make You Overeat?". I was planning to write about this at some point, but I don't know when I'd be able to get around to it, and the NYT article is a fair treatment of the subject, so I'll just point you to the article.

Basically, burning calories through exercise causes some people to eat more, but not everyone does, and a few people actually eat less. Alex Hutchinson discussed this point recently on his blog (1). Part of it depends on how much fat you carry-- if you're already lean, the body is more likely to increase hunger because it very much dislikes going too low in body fat. Most overweight/obese people do not totally make up for the calories they burn through exercise by eating more, so they lose fat. There is a lot of individual variability here. The average obese person won't lose a substantial amount of fat through exercise alone. However, everyone knows someone who lost 50+ pounds through exercise alone, and the controlled trials support that it happens in a minority of people. On the other side of the spectrum, I have a friend who gained fat while training for a marathon, and lost it afterward.

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Minggu, 15 April 2012

Next Primal Chef Event Sunday 5/20

Gil Butler has been working on a television show called Primal Chef, where he invites local chefs to make creative dishes from a list of Paleo ingredients, in a designated amount of time.  The format is reminiscent of Iron Chef.  The food is judged afterward by figures in the Paleo community.  Robb Wolf was a judge on the first episode.

Gil has invited me to be a judge on the next show, along with Sara Fragoso and Dr. Tim Gerstmar.  The next day, Sunday April 20th, Gil is organizing a catered Primal Chef event in Seattle, with Paleo dinner, speakers, entertainment, prizes, and a screening of part of Paleo Chef episode 1.  You can read the details and sign up here.  I won't be speaking because I don't have time to put together another talk right now, but I will be attending the event. 

Selasa, 10 April 2012

Lessons From Ötzi, the Tyrolean Ice Man. Part I

This is Otzi, or at least a reconstruction of what he might have looked like. 5,300 years ago, he laid down on a glacier near the border between modern-day Italy and Austria, under unpleasant circumstances. He was quickly frozen into the glacier. In 1991, his slumber was rudely interrupted by two German tourists, which eventually landed him in the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology in Italy.

Otzi is Europe's oldest natural human mummy, and as such, he's an important window into the history of the human species in Europe. His genome has been sequenced, and it offers us clues about the genetic history of modern Europeans.

Otzi's Story

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Senin, 09 April 2012



 (Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Higiene Industri)

 Hotel Amaris/Santika Jogjakarta
25 – 29 Juni 2012

Phone (021) 70853660, 7095 2402, Fax (021) 59490097
Mobille : 0815 997 8511; 0818 088 735 70

Fasilitator :
Prof. Dr.Tan Malaka, MOH, DrPH, SpOK, HIU & Team


Higene  Industri dalam Kesehatan Kerja
Kesehatan kerja adalah ilmu dan profesi yang mempelajari keterkaitan antara kesehatan dan pekerjan. Kesehatan yang kurang baik akan dapat mengganggu produktivitas pekerjaan, dan pekerjaan dapat pula menimbulkan terganggunya kesehatan. Karena peliknya permasalahan bidang ini tidak dapat ditangani oleh satu pihak saja, misalnya oleh dokter saja atau oleh insinyur saja. Bidang ini harus ditangani oleh berbagai disiplin ilmu, seperti: higene industri, kedokteran kerja, ergonomi, sosial, hukum, psikologi dan lain-lain. Paling sedikit ada tiga bidang ilmu besar yang mencakup kesehatan kerja secara keseluruhan, yaitu: keselamatan (safety), higene industri dan kedokteran kerja. Higene industri dapat dikatakan sebagai juru bicara antara disiplin keselamatan dan disiplin kedokteran.

Keselamatan Kerja
Disiplin keselamatan kerja lebih banyak ditujukan kepada masalah terjadinya kecelakaan dan kehilangan harta benda. Karena itu bidang garapannya meliputi ancaman bahaya kebakaran, kecelakaan, tumpahan, nyaris celaka dan lingkungan. Keselamatan kerja banyak dikuasai oleh insinyur baik insinyur listrik (keselamatan listrik), insinyur kimia (keselamatan kimia), dll. Satu bidang yang disebut dengan ergonomi bisa dikuasai baik oleh insinyur keselamatan, higenis industri maupun kedokteran kerja. Perbedaannya hanyalah titik berangkatnya. Jika insinyur keselamatan berangkat dari kecelakaan dan produktivitas, higenis industri berangkat dari sisi keselamatan juga berangkat dari ancaman bahaya terhadap tubuh manusia. Kedokteran kerja biasanya berangkat dari terjadinya gangguan kesehatan pada manusia.

Kedokteran Kerja
Kedokteran kerja biasanya bekerja menangani diagnosis penyakit akibat kerja dan terapi penyakit akibat kerja serta cacat yang dikibatkannya. Bidang kedokteran kerja sering disebut sebagai hospital based, sebab pada umumnya penyakit akibat kerja akan berbentuk sama dengan penyakit lainnya yang ada di rumah sakit. Kesehatan kerja tidak hanya mencakup penyakit saja, melainkan juga keselamatan, higenis industri, ergonomi, fitness for work dan masalah manajemen juga. Health surveillance biasa dikerjakan baik oleh dokter okupasi (kedokteran kerja) maupun dokter kesehatan kerja (kesehatan kerja). Dengan perkataan lain Kesehatan Kerja mempunyai cakupan yang lebih luas.

Higene Industri
Higene industri dapat dikatakan sebagai juru bicara antara profesi keselamatan dan kedokteran. Bahasa higene industri mencakup kedua disiplin itu. Masalah rekayasa yang sukar dikuasai oleh para dokter dapat dikomunikasikan dengan higenis industri yang banyak barasal dari insinyur. Intervensi teknis akan mudah dikomunikasikan dan dilakukan oleh higenis industri. Risk assessment umumnya dikerjakan oleh para higenis industri.

Standar adalah dokumen tertulis mengenai spesifikasi mengenai suatu produk, barang atau jasa, yang akan diikuti secara taat asas, sehingga akan memudahkan pertukaran perdagangan dan ekonomi. Dalam hal standar jasa masalah ini akan menyangkut standar kompetensi personil. Di Indonesia dokumentasi standar ini disebut dengan Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) disimpan di perpustakaan Badan Standarisasi Nasional (BSN) di Gedung Manggala Wanabhakti lantai 4 Jakarta. Standar kompetensi disusun oleh Perhimpunan Profesi kompetensi yang terkait, misalnya untuk Higenis Industri disusun oleh Asosiasi Hiperkes dan Keselamatan Kerja Indonesia.

Sertifikasi Personil
Sertifikasi Personil adalah suatu proses dalam pemberian sertifikat kepada seseorang yang menyatakan bahwa orang tersebut sudah memenuhi kriteria kompetensi sesuai standar yang disusun oleh organisasi profesi. Sertifikat dikeluarkan bukan oleh organisasi profesi maupun lembaga pelatihan, melainkan oleh lembaga independen yang diakreditasi oleh Komite Akreditasi Nasional. Dalam hal Higenis Industri yang mengeluarkan adalah Lembaga Sertifikasi Kompetensi K3. Sertifikat mempunyai jangka waktu tertentu dan dapat diperpanjang jika memenuhi persyaratan tertentu. Lembaga Sertifikasi tidak boleh menyelenggarakan pelatihan agar tidak terjadi conflict of interest. Lembaga pelatihan hanya dapat menerbitkan sertifikat kehadiran atau partisipasi.

Akreditasi adalah pengakuan yang diberikanoleh lembaga akreditasi yang menyatakan bahwa suatu lembaga dapat melakukan pengujian sesuai dengan standar yang telah ditetapkan terlebih dahulu. Akreditasi ini mempunyai jangka waktu tertentu.

A. Melakukan evaluasi standar higiene industri
Memberikan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan agar peserta diklat mampu menerapkan peraturan perundang-undangan dan standar nasional maupun internasional dalam pembuatan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi program higiene industri.
Materi yang diberikan :
  1. Peraturan perundang-undangan (Nasional & Internasional)
 B. Melakukan menejemen higiene industri
Memberikan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan agar peserta diklat mampu dan menguasai teori menejen dan organisasi dalam penerapan higiene industri
Materi yang diberikan
  1. PDAC based on Basic Industrial Processes
 C. Mengorganisir program higiene industri
Memberikan pengetahuan daan ketrampilan agar peserta diklat mampu dalam penguasaan prinsip dasar higiene industri dan penerapan program kerjanya
Materi yang diberikan :
  1. Health hazard control 
  2. Industrial toxicology
 D. Melakukan helth risk assessment
Memberikan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan agar peserta diklat mampu mengenali bahaya kesehatan di tempat kerja
Materi yang diberikan :
  1. Exposure assessment strategy 
  2. Respiratory protection program 
  3. IAQ and aplication of industrial ventilation
 E. Melakukan pemeriksaan untuk  menemukan adanya resiko kesehatan ditempat kerja
Memberikan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan agar peserta diklat mengenali bahaya dan resiko kesehatan ditempat kerja, membuat investigasi epidemologi dasar dan mitigasinya paada saat ditemukan adanya keluhan, laporan dan atau gejala penyakit ditempat kerja
  1. Industrial hygiene strategy
 F. Menentukan prioritas penanganan dari resiko kesehatan
Memberikan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan agar peserta diklat mengenali resiko kesehtan ditempat kerja dan membuat prioritas penerapan sesuai dengan data yang tersedia

Kompetensi seorang higienis industri madya :
Materi yang diberikan :
  1. Specific occupational hazard 
  2. Hearing loss prevention program
 G.      Mengorganisasikan pengumpulan sample higiene industri
Memberikan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan agar peserta didik mampu melalukan teknik  pengambilan sampel /data resiko kesehatan  ditempat kerja secara akurat dengan menggunakan metoda statistik agar mendapatkan hasil yang representatif sesuai dengan besaran pajanan resiko kesehatan ditempat kerja
Materi yang diberikan :
  1. Reasearch methodology 
  2. Sampling strategy,monitoring ang evaluation
H. Melaksanakan sistim informasi higiene industri
Memberikan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan agar peserta didik mampu membuat sistem perekaman kegiatan higiene industri sesuai dengan peraturan dan standar yang berlaku
Materi yang diberikan :
  1. Hazard comunacation aand System Information
 I.     Mengorgaanisir proses pencatatan kebutuhan peralatan higiene industri
Memberikan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan agar peserta diklat mampu dalam pencatatan dan operasi peralataan higiene industri baik yang digunakan di lapangan maupun laboratorium, selanjutnya di implementasikan dalam program higiene industri
Materi yang diberikan :
  1. Praktek laboratorium
 J.  Sertifikasi
Sertifikasi kompetensi
Sertifikasi kompetensi diberikan melalui ujian tertulis, wawancara dan penugasan .

Sertifikasi Kehadiran
Setelah selesai pelatihan peserta akan mendapatkan sertifikat kehadiran dan partisipasi pelatihan. Jika proses sertifikasi termasuk ujian sertifikasi bisa di selenggarakan segera sesuadah pelatihan. Maka peserta yang lulus ujian sertifikasi akan mendapatkan sertifikat.

Kompetensi higine Industri yang berlaku untuk suatu masa tertentu. Selanjutnya pemantauan akan diselenggarakan oleh Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Higiene Industri termasuk resertifikasinya jika sertifikat itu sudah kadaluwarsa.

Untuk peserta yang akan mengikuti pelatihan ini di wajibkan untuk mengirimkan terlebih dahulu CV &  Portofolio ke kami melalui email,  untuk diverifikasi oleh Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Higiene Industri , dan untuk mengikuti sertifikasi ini peserta harus mempunyai sertifikat Higienis Industri Muda (HIMu).

Persyaratan lain :
1.Surat Keterangan Kerja dari perusahaan
2.pas foto ukuran 4x6 & 3x4 (2 lembar)

    Rp. 9.500.000,- (Sembilan juta lima ratus ribu rupiah)
    (include : Sertifikasi LSP IH, training kit, coffee break, lunch, & souvenir)


Please return this form to Expert office by email : facsimile : (021) 59490097

Jumat, 06 April 2012

Global Meat Production, 1961-2009

Total global meat production per person has steadily increased from 0.13 lbs per day in 1961 to 0.29 lbs per day in 2009*, a 120 percent increase over the last half century (currently in the US, average meat consumption is about half a pound per day). Since meat consumption in the US and Europe has only increased modestly over time, this change mostly reflects greatly increased meat consumption over the last half century in developing countries** in Asia, Africa and South America. In 1961, it's likely that most of the 0.13 pounds per day of meat was consumed in affluent countries such as the US, with not much consumed elsewhere (with some exceptions). Historically, meat has always been expensive relative to other food sources in agricultural societies, so it's eaten by those who can afford it.
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Senin, 02 April 2012

Eocene Diet Follow-up

Now that WHS readers around the globe have adopted the Eocene Diet and are losing weight at an alarming rate, it's time to explain the post a little more. First, credit where credit is due: Melissa McEwen made a similar argument in her 2011 AHS talk, where she rolled out the "Cambrian Explosion Diet", which beats the Eocene Diet by about 470 million years. It was probably in the back of my head somewhere when I came up with the idea.

April Fools day is good for a laugh, but humor often has a grain of truth in it. In this case, the post was a jumping off point for discussing human evolution and what it has to say about the "optimal" human diet, if such a thing exists. Here's a preview: evolution is a continuous process that has shaped our ancestors' genomes for every generation since the beginning of life. It didn't end with the Paleolithic, in fact it accelerated, and most of us today carry meaningful adaptations to the Neolithic diet and lifestyle.

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Minggu, 01 April 2012

The Eocene Diet

65 million years ago, a massive asteroid slammed into the Yucatan peninsula, creating a giant dust cloud that contributed to the extinction of terrestrial dinosaurs. In the resulting re-adjustment of global ecosystems, a new plant tissue evolved, which paved the way for the eventual appearance of humans: fruit. Fruit represents a finely crafted symbiosis between plants and animals, in which the plant provides a nourishing morsel, and the animal disperses the plant's seeds inside a packet of rich fertilizer.

Fruit was such a powerful selective pressure that mammals quickly evolved to exploit it more effectively, developing adaptations for life in the forest canopy. One result of this was the rapid emergence of primates, carrying physical, digestive and metabolic adaptations for the acquisition and consumption of fruit and leaves. Primates also continued eating insects, a vestige of our early mammalian heritage.

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