Minggu, 15 Januari 2012

What to Do About Symptoms of Vertigo

REJEKINE. What to Do About Symptoms of Vertigo
The most likely reason for seeing a medical doctor of the symptoms of vertigo attack. Vertigo is usually either your or your environment by turning or rotating motion can be defined as hallucinations or feelings. Or you can go up to the feeling of a carefree childhood, spinning, note that if, as the two due to the feelings of vertigo symptoms. It is with a feeling of lightheadedness or dizziness, light, balanced feel of the head, headache and nausea in the stomach or nausea, loss of normal. If dizziness or lightheadedness to understand the main features of a disease, but often is. Neurological and vascular causes of vertigo symptoms, such as non-serious for a variety of serious problems can occur.

Vertigo, or dizziness occurs when we have disturbed the equilibrium, or balance. Semicircular canals in our inner ear responsible for our balance. Short hair with the semicircular canals in a fluid - there is a kind of object. Tiny hairs on our head, we can not communicate with the brain and act as receptors to detect motion. Now that you understand what controls your balance, you can discuss some conditions that may affect your balance. Malignant positional vertigo vertigo usually present, labyrinthitis, and Menieres disease.

It is the treatment of Meniere's disease, many sufferers as possible, and is due to affect more people we know. Semicircular canals in the inner ear fluid, an increase of the reason behind the theory. Dizziness is often severe and can be hours or days. It is the fullness, ear or ear pressure, nausea and vomiting can be accompanied in the ring. Unfortunately, no cure for this disease is usually treated with medication.

Semicircular canals as part of the labyrinth becomes inflamed it is called labyrinthitis. This is usually caused by some kind of virus and antibiotics do not respond. Will produce an inflammation of a fluid thicker and therefore disrupt the balance of our code. People to balance the loss of a potential headache and abdominal pain with normal bhavaneyillada experience vertigo. Vertigo due to the short duration and usually occurred during the second minute.

Positioning vertigo, or BPPV is caused by the disastrous situation in most of the vertigo. Causal mechanism in our brain are sent to the customer about the condition of motion due to the hair and twisted wreckage of information is interfering with a small semicircular canals of fluid. In general, the position or movement of the head causes the vertigo episodes as seen in the sky, leaned forward and rolled over in bed. In nature, brief episodes of vertigo that lasted only seconds. It does not need drugs or surgery, that there is no safe solution to this type of vertigo.

We do not usually granted until a problem, we take our balance. Described above, such as a major cause of many symptoms of vertigo, there are three. If you have a deleterious positional vertigo that is suspected to have help available, then the best you can.

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