Jumat, 13 Januari 2012

how to effectively treat Dry Eye with omega 3

REJEKINE. Dry eye syndrome is a condition where the eye is sufficient moisture. This happens because eyes are not enough tears, or there is rapid rate of evaporation.

Up to 30 percent of the population affected at some point in their lives with this syndrome. The risk of disturbing increases with age, and women are more likely to have the condition than men. In fact, 90 percent of female cases of dry eye.

Symptoms of dry eye is often a feeling that led an unusual object in the eye, irritation, itching, burning pain, dry eye syndrome. Some formal reports and studies have reported a common conclusion: that in order to reduce the intake of omega-3 fatty acids, the occurrence of dry eye syndrome, while a low intake tends to increase the frequency.

Omega-3 fatty acids have been met, the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids are good for your body. These substances are called essential fatty acids because the human body can not synthesize, so it is important to get them from outside.

These fatty acids in some form, but this is usually divided into three main groups: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Two of the first kind (EPA and DHA) are the easiest to take for your body and use, while the ALA must be processed into EPA and DHA before it can be used. The conversion process can sometimes be a problem. This is why the experts to eat more foods with EPA and DHA is recommended.

Alpha-linolenic acid from vegetable sources such as green leafy vegetables and vegetable oils are guaranteed. Is the richest vegetable source of linseed oil accounts for 57 percent of ALA. The best source of EPA and DHA is oily, cold-water fish from wild fish such as tuna, salmon, mackerel, sardines and caught. Fish oil is used from the middle to produce fish oil supplements in capsule form taken.

One of the main benefits of omega-3 fatty acids to give your body is its ability to limit inflammation. It is the fact that rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory reaction around the joint. Blepharitis occurs from inflammation of the eyelids, and Sjögren's syndrome often manifests itself by the lacrimal gland is inflamed. This can cause dry eye inflammatory reactions. Omega-3 fatty acids enhance your body's ability to contain infection, where the occurrence of dry eye.

In addition to suppress the inflammatory activity of omega-3 fatty acids are also capable of functioning meibomian glands are oily compounds that remove the outer layer to improve the form of tears. Certain portions of the omega-3 fatty acid molecules which might be sufficient in the production of aqueous tears (the middle layer of tears) cause.

It is important to complement the professional advice of omega-3 fatty acids to obtain. So far there has been no established dosage to take for dry eye. This is from the evaluation of specific medical conditions your doctor

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