Sabtu, 14 Januari 2012

How to Identify Symptoms of Stress in Men

REJEKINE. How to Identify Symptoms of Stress in Men
Whether young or old, married or single, men under stress. You can mate stress of family issues, work, study experience, colleagues and others. In fact, it can not under stress. In one way or another, we all experience stress. But the difference lies in how we deal with stress. Will we use it to become a better person? Or will we fall prey to stress and let it control our lives?

In order to properly deal with stress, you should first identify it. What are the different symptoms of stress in men?

There are so many possible symptoms of stress in men. It is classified as physical symptoms, behavioral problems, emotional symptoms and cognitive symptoms.

Physical symptoms of stress in men may be one of the following: chest pain, high blood pressure, shortness of breath, fatigue, decreased or increased libido, muscle aches, headache, dizziness, jaw clenching, teeth grinding, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, is sweating, abdominal cramps, weight gain or loss is described, and skin problems. As you can see, the physical symptoms of stress symptoms in men also have other diseases. Therefore, if you experience this, visit your doctor for a proper diagnosis.

Behavioral symptoms in men are usually the first sign that something is wrong. Consciously or unconsciously, the man showed behavioral changes due to stress. Examples of behavioral problems decreased or increased appetite, sleeping too much or too little to ignore responsibility is a procrastinator, isolate themselves from others, nervous habits (pace, nail biting, etc.), and drug use, drugs, cigarettes and alcohol.

There are also signs of emotional stress than men. And how behavioral problems, is also one of the first signs of stress in men. Short emotional arousal symptoms, irritability, mood swings, feelings of isolation, loneliness, depression, insecurity, general feeling of discontent and feeling overwhelmed.

Cognitive symptoms of stress in men can cause problems with concentration, his bad decisions, memory impairment, pessimism, anxiety and constant worry.

These are different ways you can help in the identification of stress in men. If one of these symptoms with your doctor so that an accurate diagnosis is made. Or if you notice any of these symptoms on your boyfriend, husband, brother or son, try to talk to him and encouraged him to visit the doctor.

Stress symptoms in men can lead to bigger problems if it has not succeeded. For example, withdrawal and isolation lead to depression. And depression is the leading cause of suicide. In the workplace, stress can lead to reduced productivity, which in turn can lead to loss of jobs. Stress can also affect your relationship. Therefore, it is best to identify who you are dealing with stress, to learn the techniques of relaxation.

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