Kamis, 13 Desember 2012

Let’s Run the Car with Coffee Grounds

In the futures, may be you will consider not to throws your waste coffee grounds after drink since some research was found about the benefit of coffee ground for your car fuel. According to the information that I got from the website of Consumer Energy Report, there is a scientists at the Universityof Nevada, Reno which do some research about the possibilities of extracting oil from used coffee grounds. Yes, coffee ground can be cheap and environmentally friendly bio fuel in the futures.  

For those study above, the team collected left over grounds coffee of espressos, cappuccinosand other coffee preparations from the Starbucks coffee chain. The study was first reported toward the end of last year in The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. The resulting coffee-based fuel –which smells like java– is more stable than traditional bio diesel due to coffee’s high antioxidant content, according to the researchers.

Other information that I got from the website of Science Daily, coffee growers in the world is able to produce more than 16 billion pounds of coffee each year. The used or "spent" grounds remaining from production of espresso, cappuccino, and plain old-fashioned cups of java, often wind up in the trash or find use as soil conditioner.

The scientists estimated, however, that spent coffee grounds can potentially add 340 million gallons of bio diesel to the world's fuel supply. The scientists estimate if the process of coffee groundfor fuel could make a profit of more than $8 million a year in the U.S.alone. They plan to develop a small pilot plant to produce and test the experimental fuel within the next six to eight months.

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