Sabtu, 14 Januari 2012

Alarming Signs Of Rheumatoid Arthritis

REJEKINE. Small joints of hands and feet is a chronic inflammatory disease rheumatoid arthritis. The knees, wrists, neck, shoulders, elbows, and the jaw joint that directory. This disease, pain, swelling, and severe cases may lead to joint deformity affects the joints of the lining of a person's immune system. Lymphocytes of the immune system makes antibodies against the straight joints, but was otherwise normal immune system response against foreign particles or pathogens in the joints, stimulates the production of inflammatory cytokines. The problem is three times more common in men compared with women. It usually appears between the ages of 40 to 60 years, however, there may be exceptions.

Affected quite differently by individuals with rheumatoid arthritis. At the beginning of a response to the experience of others, some with little or no symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Operated by some of the mild and severe symptoms. Symptoms appear in a symmetrical fashion, the body has an effect on both sides of the joints.

To define the nature of the joints, inflammation of rheumatoid arthritis. This pose is defined by the joints, making it difficult to move. Morning pose a general observation of rheumatoid arthritis patients. Stiff joints can take an hour to get back to working condition. Pose there is always a swelling of the joints. It is fluid and swell to occur as a joint venture udikolluvikeyu. The second condition is badly inflamed and the pose.

In rheumatoid arthritis, affected joints in relation to other parts of the body was pink and warm. All of these features of the joints, causing severe pain. Temporary and permanent, or joint inflammation and pain sensitivity increases, so soft.

In addition to observing the signs, the patient can see the changes in public health. The most common symptoms of arthritis, fatigue and illness. Remains a constant state of pain and physical pressure to take the patient's body being weak bhasava. This situation usually leads to things like the body, and muscle weakness and loss of appetite, Motto.

Fever is a common feature of rheumatoid arthritis, and the self is part of the immune response. Even in case of rheumatoid arthritis, Still disease, more patients with fever, joint pain and swelling after a cold experience. Being associated with other diseases, symptoms of the disease a major challenge to correct the problem can be

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