Minggu, 15 Januari 2012

Natural Ways to Treat Hay Fever Symptoms

REJEKINE. Natural Ways to Treat Hay Fever Symptoms
Air herald a solution to the winter weather, the spring, but the first signs of seasonal change, kaleyuttiddare everyone. Suffering from a fever caused by pollen in the air that is suffering from symptoms of seasonal allergy attack to expect. But not everyone in the form of a hand to help counter antihistamine medications may cause a headache or hangover and other traditional medicines as well as insoluble, on the fire. There are natural ways to treat flu symptoms, rather than help it.

Hay fever symptoms are characterized by red, dry, Itchy eyes, coughing, sneezing, stuffy nose, or have always emerged, including sore throat. The symptoms of histamine, which causes a natural one, and one to create the best natural sources of pollen in the air with pollen and local honey is effective against histamine. Symptoms of fever for at least a month before it starts, it is recommended to take a day of local honey, a tablespoon. The pollen is a natural barrier function and allows the body's resistance to build a honey-time.

Healthy Eating Habits can also boost the immune system and help fight the symptoms of Hay fever. The ants, as a natural antihistamine, 1000 MG of vitamin C into the daily diet. It may take the form of supplements, but the best, including the pulp and the pulp of citrus fruits, can be derived from eating. Start the day with warm water and fresh lemon in a glass. Drink honey and lemon juice helps relieve sore throat symptoms. Herbal tea, especially tea, dandelion and chamomile tea, it is recommended.

Itchy eyes can also help to samadhanapadisalu chamomile. A tea made from chamomile eye compress, or alternatively you can use chamomile tea bags. Using a dehumidifier in the home can also help to reduce the levels of pollen that can aggravate the eye.

Hay fever, a number of herbal steam bath helps to clear bottlenecks. Drop the hot water pan is a good or a chamomile flowers, eucalyptus oil, and water under a towel until cool, add to the vapors of inhalesan. Spicy food and garlic also helps to clear sinuses. Thai Tom Yum Soup Bowl is a deliciously effective.

Hay fever is a natural drug that is provided to be eaten to help the people of Springfield do not need to be comfortable. Wait for the first pollen attacks, but before the first symptoms began to add to the natural healing Do not, therefore, they are the most direct impact. It features the running of local honey and vitamin C. If the body is prepared to build up resistance is more likely to be more natural.

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