Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

Share Tips About Health

Share Tips About Health - Health is one of the most important things in us that must be kept as long as we live. You also must know that growing old you are, increasingly felt that the physical and spiritual health of you becomes the most valuable. Many people pay thousands and even tens of millions of dollars to cure themselves from various diseases. Many were sorry when they've lost their health because whatever their activity, would be disrupted if they fall ill.

Common ailments such as colds and coughs it can very be penganggu daily activities. So, we exercise and healthy activities to avoid disease. Such as eating healthy foods regularly, jog, reducing food and beverages that contain high cholesterol and others. But it was all done to achieve physical health alone. What about the emotional and intellectual health?

Emotional and intellectual health including 2 important things to note. Diseases associated with emotional and intellectual man with a mental illness also known. Examples are stress, depression, psychological arousal disorder (mood disorder) and even schizophrenia (a mental illness characterized by symptoms such as hallucinations, delusion, and paranoia). Psychiatric illness is certainly more difficult to be detected by people around us because of the different diagnosis by examination of physical disease, even people with mental illness who do not own many feel the disease in him.

Then how to maintain emotional and intellectual health? You do this by taking the vitamins that have been specially formulated to kejiwaanmu.

The Daily Vitamins for the Soul
x. Vitamin A = Attitude (attitude and behavior)
Optimistic and realistic attitude will greatly change the way you think to be more positive. Moreover, these attitudes combined with a high sense of gratitude every day. Thank her to the Creator for all that has been delegated to you. Remember that your thoughts determine the direction, attitude and your actions.

x. Vitamin B-Complex = Beauty (Beauty)
Of course, you never feel bored and lose inspiration in doing daily activities, right? Sometimes your soul needs to feel the beauty from time to time. Examples such as music, painting, poetry, people around you smile, natural beauty and other beauty found all around you. Without you realize the beauty can add energy and enthusiasm in you to do all your activities.

x. Vitamin C = Courage (Courage)
Courage is also one important thing that needs to be invested every day in you, because it takes courage to try new things in life, to rise from failure, and to strive to achieve better than today and yesterday. Sometimes, it takes courage just to stay in the game.

x. Vitamin D = Determination (Volition)
Just imagine a car that ran out of gas. All parts of the car to work properly, but the car was unable to go anywhere, because they do not have the intended direction. This is what will happen if you do not have the will in life. Although the soul and your physical health, with no willingness to move, you will be hard to achieve your life goals. We all need the drive and Ambition to work Towards our dreams.
Determination is the fuel to get us there.

x. Vitamin E = Excellence (Perfection)
Begin to always try to achieve perfection by doing our best in all your activities daily. Things that need to be embedded in your mind is you did all that for the sake of yourself, it's for your own sake! From getting out of bed until you relax again, perfection is one key to getting the best out of life. Why? Because We get out exactly what We put ins.

By instilling these vitamins every-day in you, of course, your soul will feel better maintained. It takes only a combination of encouragement from within you with the effort to keep taking the vitamins psychiatric routinely. Remember, practice makes perfect. The more regularly you 'drink' vitamins are, the healthier you are and away from diseases associated with psychosis.
(Source : http://tipshealth86.blogspot.com)

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