Jumat, 30 November 2012

Vanilla with The Secret of Super Herbs

What is the Super Herbs that I mean on this writing article? The clue is some herbsthat mostly know by the people because can be used to kill the vampires. Other clue is the cake recipes that always available when the Halloween nightis come. Yes the answer is Garlic as the super herbs in the world with the cake recipes of Pumpkin Cake with Vanilla Garlic.

Why that I am so interest to said if Garlicas a herbs can be classified as the super herbs in the world? Well, the answer is not because Garlic can be used to kill the vampires, or also about the recipes of Pumpkin Cake with Vanilla Garlic, did you know if Garlic can supports  our body with many health benefit when we use Garlicas herbs and spices seasoning on the kitchen recipes? Yes, Garlic having many health benefit especially for the treatment of coronary heart diseases as one of the dangerous diseases in the world.      

Some recommendation that suggest by the World Health Organization (WHO) related how many dose of garlic that we should to be consumption is in a day, for adults, it is recommended to consume 2 to 5 grams of fresh garlic in each day, this dose is equivalent to the use of garlic powder in cake or kitchen recipesas much as 0.4 up to 1.2 grams or oil garlic as much as 2 to 5 milligrams.

Garlic benefitsfor the patients which having some problem related coronary heart disease, some information that I got from The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a study of two groups of individuals healthy volunteers who consumed garlic for 6 months and a group were not given garlic, garlic is significantly lowered serum cholesterol and triglycerides while raising high-density lipoprotein. Garlic is recommended as part of food diet as treatment for coronary heart patient, the reason is because garlic can reduce the damage to the arterial blood vessels which in turn reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. Garlic is a Super Herbs

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