Kamis, 29 November 2012

Health Benefit of Coriander use

Coriander, other spices collection in Indonesia that again having many use benefit not only as seasoning spices but also for the human health. Coriander, maybe until today if we only knew about the use of Coriander as herbs and spices ingredients on the kitchen recipes, where coriander is used commonly in a variety of recipes made ​​from red meat such as beef, mutton and lamb. Even coriander available in Indonesia, but did you know if coriander was come from the Southern Europe and around the Caspian Sea.

How coriander having health benefit use for human body? Same as with cinnamon as old spicesin the world, some people believe the benefits of coriander as an anti-diabetic, nothing is due coriander beneficial for lowering blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol levels than that.

Some good information from the website of healthiertalk.com, some experiment about the use of coriander extract to mouse which having a problem related with obesity, coriander extract that made from coriander seed is effective can lower the cholesterol. It is the reason of why that use coriander as our seasoning spices in the kitchen recipes is highly recommended. Coriander is able to use both in whole seeds and coriander powder.

Base on the research, cooking with coriander having a lot of c vitamin, dietary fiber, iron and calcium are needed by the human body. Coriander can be used also as a natural meat preservative due to its function as an antiseptic that can kill bacteria in meat.

Other health benefits of corianderto treat high blood pressure includes the recipes, just wash a handful of coriander seeds before then boiled it with three glasses of water. Let the water continue to boil until the remaining approximately one cup of corianderwater, stew, strain the decoction of coriander were then taken after warm. Perform routine every single week for this recipe on three weeks in which this recipe is one way to treat high blood pressure

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