Kamis, 15 Januari 2009

Behave Like A Thin Person

Want to lose weight? Want to keep it off? Permanent weight loss occurs when you change negative behaviors.
THe most effective point about weight loss with hypnosis is you change you metal view of yourself. You see yourself as thin.

You can multiply the benefits of weight loss, especially with hypnosis, when you act like you're thin, even if you are not yet. If you adopt these habits, weight will naturally start to reduce, without effort. There are behaviors that have nothing to do with food that have a direct influence on your physical weight.

Do you know which behaviors and habits are associated with the thin personality? Here are a few:

1) Do I push compliments away?
If someone compliments you on your hair, clothes, appearance, talent, ability, etc., do you immediately apologize for not being even better? If someone wants to pay you money for something, do you feel guilty and feel obligated to give them a "deal?" This behavior is an artificial habit that many of us get into as if it is polite or spiritual. The truth
is that it not only is hurtful to the person who just tried to give you something, but it is incredibly damaging to you.

If you continue to push away the nurturing things that come your way, you will feel empty all the time. This hunger is usually and wrongly interpreted as a physical hunger and leads to over-eating.

2) Do I Skip Meals?
Naturally thin people do not skip meals. Why do you? Thin people especially eat breakfast. Do you skip meals hoping to lose weight put on from the previous day? Stop it! It backfires for two reasons: one, when you skip a meal your body enters "starvation mode" and due to historical reasans called "survival", keeps weight on! Because you're so famished from skipping a meal, you're more inclined to eat too much at the next meal or to eat foods that
are unnecessarily high in calories!

3) Do I Eat While Doing Other Activities?
Reading the paper or watching TV while eating may be "efficient" use of time but you risk swallowing a lot of unhappiness along with your food. Some people can do this with no problem, as they have the ability to remain detached. If you find that you are becoming passionately concerned about what you are reading or watching, you should not do this.

4) Do I Attempt To Do More Than One Thing At A Time?
Our physical reality is simply a projection of our thoughts. If you have a distraction tendency then it means that you have an "expanded" attention span. This mental expansion manifests itself as a physical expansion in the form of extra weight! Giving yourself the best chance to learn focusing skills begins with doing one thing at a time.

For example, don't balance your checkbook while you are having an important talk with a loved one. You'll surely make errors in your checkbook as well as say something you regret. The human brain really can only attend to one task at a time consciously. If you are doing more than one thing at a time, you only have the illusion that you can handle it. In reality, you are only focused on one activity for any small moment. Then your concentration flips to the other activity, and back again. So you can delude yourself that you are clearly focusing on more than one thing, but you are in reality alternating your attention between activities at a rapid pace. This is
DISTRACTION. Remember: DISTRACTION = WEIGHT GAIN! Please realize that this idea of doing one thing at a time refers only to activities that require focused concentration. For example, If you are running and you notice your mind thinking of 100 things, this is actually OK. That's because running is normally a mindless activity and does not compete for the attention of your thoughts.

When you believ, truly believe you are a thin person you will act like you are thin. Your mind will think it is thin and begin to adjust how your body acts, reacts and functions. Being thin for life is a whole new way to respond to conscious and unconscious stimulation. Start to act thin before you are thin and you'll jump start your permanent weight loss program.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleStreet.com/

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