Minggu, 11 Januari 2009

Concussions And Headaches

If you have been knocked unconscious for a short period of time, you may have experienced a concussion, a mild form of injury to the head. People with concussions are advised to go to the hospital for a check up. They are released after a few hours and can even resume their normal activity the next day.

After-Effects of a Concussion

For many people, the effects of a concussion can manifest for as long as two weeks, and longer than that in rare cases. People who are experiencing the after-effects of a concussion will experience fear, and anxiety and depression might set in. This feeling of dread might start to affect their decisions about the future, with family and friends eventually suffering from "compassion fatigue." However, if you are one of the people suffering the after-effects of a concussion, there is no cause for you to worry excessively. The after-effects of a concussion is not permanent. You should not experience any long-term effects if you properly take care of yourself and allow yourself to recuperate.

Common Symptoms Two Weeks After Having a Concussion


Because of the bruising you sustain during the injury to your head, you will immediately experience headaches. Headaches after a concussion are normal and are to be expected. However, if you push yourself too hard and too soon after the concussion, you will find that the headaches occur more frequently. In this regard, the headaches are caused more by the stress and fatigue rather than the concussion itself. Adequate rest and slowing down will help lessen the occurrence of headaches, not headache medications. However, if the headaches become severe and continuous, it is recommended that you see a doctor.

Dizzy Spins

Sometimes, a strong blow to the head may upset the balance organs in your ears, causing the room to spin whenever you make sudden movements. You will also experience a floating sensation or a sense of unreality a few weeks after a concussion. Like headaches, expect to have these feelings; they will improve over time.

Vision Problems

You may have blurry vision and you might develop a strong aversion to bright light a few weeks following a concussion. Wearing sunglasses should help, but you should consult your doctor if these symptoms do not feel that you are not getting any better with time.


It is highly recommended that you listen closely and sense what your body is telling you. If you feel exhausted even after hardly doing anything at all then it is important that you take a rest. Carrying on will only tire you out and even make your recovery period longer.

Lack of Concentration

Your power of concentration is the first thing to go when you are tired, causing short-term memory loss. While you might be able to recall events that happened a year ago, you won't have any idea at all why you just opened the refrigerator just mere seconds ago. This means that your brain is temporarily downsizing itself to heal, so listen to it and get some rest.


Your spatial awareness will temporarily have problems after a concussion, causing you to run into people, drop things or trip over easily. While this apparent clumsiness is temporary, it is best that you not do any driving until your awareness and reactions return to normal.


After a concussion, you may find yourself with an unusually short temper. You may even find yourself snapping at anyone, from family members to coworkers and friends. You become highly irritable after a concussion because your brain is recovering from the blow and at the same time limiting its resources down to just the basics of survival, which does not include self-control and politeness. If you find yourself highly and more frequently irritable than usual after a concussion, take more time to recover.

Recovery Period

One or more of the after-effects of a concussion will manifest in most people. While it will take about a fortnight to resolve them, the after-effects of a concussion may continue for a longer period of time in one person out of ten. If your symptoms become severe and you still feel bad three weeks later, it is highly recommended that you see your doctor right away.

For more help on the prevention, treatment and remedies for migraines please see the Complete Guide To Migraine Headaches.

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