Minggu, 13 Januari 2013

Cinnamon as Your Spices Valentine’s Day

When I was just take a look the cinnamon sticks and vanilla bean on the kitchen inventory, and my last post in organic Indonesia vanilla about spices on Valentine’s day, how do you think for the idea about the use of cinnamon stick as the scent candle on your Valentine dinner and the making recipe of cinnamon rolls to serve on Valentine’s Day? Why cinnamon as your Valentine spices? And why is cinnamonas your scent spices on your candle night dinner in Valentine’s Day including the delicious recipe of cinnamon rolls?  

Did you know when we talk about cinnamon stick is we talk about the history of candlein the world? Even every country have different story about first found of candle. Cinnamon was what people in India has use to make candle for the first time in the history, yes, people in India was boiling the fruit of the cinnamon tree to make candle. Make cinnamon as your scent candle on your valentine dinner?

Since cinnamon has know as modern aromatherapy candles today, well, cinnamonwill help you to create the the romantic athmosphere that you want in your Valentine dinner that I think. The simple idea in prepare if you have a plan to create the romantic athmosphere of cinnamon scent on your valentine dinner both in cinnamon oil or it can be also by use cinnamon stick as candle craft. The information that I got from the website of hobbycraft.co.uk, the material that what we need for cinnamon candle craft, lengths of dried cinnamon sticks such as the picture above that you can buy it on the nearest gourmet spices store, church candle, elastic bands that wide enough to fit around the outside of candle, garden string, dried fruit and last is tims.  

Other information that I am interested to know also about cinnamon spices and Valentine’s Day is about the history of cinnamon rolls, it is important knowledge for me since sometime the customer ask me about the product benefit especially vanilla bean as what we produce in Java, Indonesia. Cinnamon rolls is the dating bake as the information which I got from ehow.com, the ingredients recipe of cinnamon rolls to serve on Valentine’s Day is cinnamon powder, sugarand butter, but I think cinnamon rolls is not for Valentine’s dinner since cinnamon rolls as sweet pastry mostly eaten on the breakfast time.      

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